One year ago movie theaters were packed with obsessed and screaming fans, paparazzi and excitement. The movie version of the extremely popular book had lived up to its name.
America had not seen anything like it since J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series, but another renowned author has taken some of the limelight. Stephenie Meyer has created a sensation with her Twilight Saga, causing kids, teenagers and adults around the world to go crazy.
As the next Twilight installment, New Moon, is getting ready to premiere on the big screen Nov. 20, the hype is starting up once again. Many fans have already bought tickets and made plans for the night of the premiere.
“I’ve already bought my tickets from Regal,” senior Mackenzie Smith said. “I am sneaking out of my house for the midnight premiere and I am making a puffy paint shirt that says ‘Team Edward but Team Taylor,’” which refers to two characters who compete for the love of the main character, Bella.
As the loyal and crazed fans wait for the premiere, they should expect some changes in the next segment of the series.
According to Stephenie Meyer’s official website, New Moon is not directed by Twilight director Catherine Hardwicke. Although Hardwicke’s film grossed more than $141 million, the next installment of the saga is directed by Chris Weitz (The Golden Compass).
“I’m excited to see how the new director has done the special effects,” freshman Coco Hermes said. “I can’t wait to see how they are doing the wolf transformations.”
The movie will also introduce new faces such as Dakota Fanning (Coraline) movie she’s in, who will be playing Volturi member Jane and Chaske Spencer (Into the West) who will be playing wolf pack member Sam Uley.
“I have read each book more than five times,” freshman Amy McAlister said. “I’m excited to finally see the second book come to life.”