Addictive Trivia Crack keeps students guessing

By Ana Faguy, News Editor

Candy Crush, Words with Friends, Angry Birds and Temple Run are just a few of the gaming apps that enthrall CHS students everyday in the halls, at lunch and even during class. These games have been pushed to the backseat ever since the new app Trivia Crack popped up on the gaming radar.

Trivia Crack is the latest addiction consuming CHS students. It is your average trivia app with a few twists, and it is attracting more and more people every day.

According to, an online game developer magazine, Trivia Crack has been ranked the number one free app in the US as of Dec. 5, beating out Facebook, Instagram and Candy Crush Saga.

With six categories: history, entertainment, science, geography, art and sports, Travia Crack has something to satisfy everyone’s interests. A rainbow-colored screen greets users and instructs them to spin the wheel. After spinning the wheel, users are randomly assigned a category and asked to answer a question. If the subject is not their forte, they can pass and spin the wheel again, keeping users glued to their phones as they wait for a streak of luck.

Trivia Crack gets brains moving and thinking about all different kinds of topics in short periods of time, requiring thought and knowledge of arbitrary facts.

Another intriguing aspect of Trivia Crack is that users are given the option of playing against friends or against someone random. Thus, Trivia Crack has become a type of friendly competition among friends.

“I started playing a month or two ago because my camp friends told me about it,” senior Jon Shay said. “Some [of them] live far away, so it’s a way of keeping in touch with them. It is addicting because it is competitive, but there is also luck involved so people keep testing their luck and knowledge, like gambling almost.”

Some students see this as just another fad that will eventually pass, just as so many gaming apps previously have. When junior Juli Malacane initially downloaded Trivia Crack, she played for three hours and then deleted it. She does not have high hopes for the app’s future.

“I’d give it a few weeks,” Malacane said. “It is fun, but soon enough it will become old and repetitive like most apps do.”

CHS will have to wait and see how long this trend looms in the halls and classrooms, but until then expect to see lots of colorful screens and shouting kids all addicted to answering trivia.