“The Mind of a Saint” is a story within an album
Photo courtesy of @skyzoothewriter on IG
Skyzoo was born in New York City and always wanted to be an artist. Although it never completely panned out, he has made a nice career out of ghostwriting for other artists.
February 23, 2023
“The Mind Of A Saint,” by Skyzoo and The Other Guys is never going to appear on the Billboard Top 100 Hits or win an award for best album. This album is special though and should be further recognized throughout the music and rap community.
Skyzoo has never been a famous artist and is best known for his ghostwriting work. He is notorious for having spectacular lyrics and even won an underground award for best lyricist in 2008. The Other Guys are based out of Washington, DC and are a lesser known production group.
The album is composed of ten songs ranging from three to six minutes per song. However, Skyzoo publicly said that he would release a couple more songs as a part of the deluxe edition of the album.
The album follows the fictional character, Franklin Saint, a store clerk-turned-kingpin. It is based on the show “Snowfall,” the hit FX series about the rise of crack in 1980s Los Angeles. Skyzoo was very open about his love for the show which is why he decided to make an entire album based on it.
What Skyzoo does such a good job of, is making this album listenable no matter if you watched the show or not. If you were to never have watched the show, you would never even know he was referencing it. It seems like a story of a man who is faced with the choice of choosing the gang life or the good life, which is what “Snowfall” is about.
There are samples from the show embedded into the songs which make it feel more personable and make the listener feel involved. The famous sound “bodies, bodies, bodies, bodes,” comes from Snowfall, and is featured in the song, “Bodies!”.
One of the highlights of the album is “Panthers & Powder,” which highlights the relationship between the main character and his father. It follows how the main character’s lack of relationship shapes him to become a drug dealer.
One of the best bars from the album is, “Pipework, the Mario Luigi kind. Duck hunting on these birds when the scene arrives.” It just shows how Skyzoo takes basic ideas and turns them into intricate lyrics.
Overall, this album combines iconic street rap with modern samples and diversification from TV shows. It also proves the fact that Skyzoo is a criminally underrated lyricist and deserves more notoriety for his work. This album deserves more recognition, especially from the hip-hop community.