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The School Newspaper of Winston Churchill High School.

The Observer

The School Newspaper of Winston Churchill High School.

The Observer

The School Newspaper of Winston Churchill High School.

The Observer

With its powerful friendships, stories and characters, "The Field Guide to the North American Teenager" is one of the best newly-released teen books.

Ben Phillipe’s new book guides students through high school

By Jeremy Fredricks, Assistant Opinions Editor February 25, 2020

If only there was a guide to high school. What to do. How to do it. What to say. Dating, crushes, jobs, friendships, schoolwork and fitting in would be among the topics covered.  While there is no such...

"How to Be Safe" should serve as a warning to all about what could happen in a totalitarian police state.

“How to Be Safe” explores gun violence in America

By Jeremy Fredricks, Assistant Opinions Editor February 23, 2020

The world is not always a safe place. There are robberies, drugs, alcohol and shootings. It is hard to be safe all the time, and Tom McAllister’s “How to Be Safe” certainly shows what it is like...

Displayed on the shelf of the WCHS media center stands Karen McManus' second book, Two Can Keep a Secret. This book follows her first, One of Us is Lying. The series is popular among the teenage audience for its thrill, mystery and relatable high school settings.

Why people love Karen McManus’s mystery books is no mystery

By Jeremy Fredricks, Assistant Opinions Editor November 25, 2019

Looking for a great read? With murder? Detention? A twist ending? Karen McManus’ One of Us is Lying, and Two Can Keep a Secret are great books.  The 2018-2019 Black Eyed Susan award-winning novel...

In, The Country We Love: My Family Divided written by actress Diane Guerrero, is an inspiring and emotional read.

‘Book’ your summer with these five great reads

By Olivia Yasharoff, Assistant Sports Editor June 4, 2019

Whether you’re planning to spend the summer at the beach, pool or on the couch, you’ll need a good book to accompany you. The stories listed below range from inspirational memoirs to romantic comedies...

Former Washington Post columnist Bob Levey recently wrote a novel titled "Larry Felder, Candidate".

Q & A with Bob Levey: author of “Larry Felder, Candidate”

By Joe Raab, Sports Editor February 8, 2019

Bob Levey is a former columnist for the Washington Post. Recently, he ventured into the world of novel writing with his book, “Larry Felder, Candidate.” I got the chance to have a question and answer...

"Before My Eyes" is explores the motives of a gunman pulls out a weapon at a Labor Day campaign rally for New York state senator.

“Before My Eyes” is a must-read for CHS students

By Miranda Chung, Assistant Opinions Editor May 15, 2018

  In Before My Eyes, author Caroline Bock perfectly captures the societal problems of today, by weaving her story very closely to reality. It is a new thought-provoking young adult novel featuring...

Fifty Shades of Grey Contains Multiple Layers

Fifty Shades of Grey Contains Multiple Layers

By Balbina Yang, Arts Editor February 23, 2017

It has been two years since the release of Fifty Shades of Grey, the first of E.L. James’ erotic drama trilogy. It has been about a week since Fifty Shades Darker, the sequel, came out in theaters and...

Copies of these recommendations can be found at the CHS Media Center.

The Observer’s Must Read Book Recommendations

By Jenna Greenzaid and Sai Sreenivasan, Circulation Manager and Observations Editor February 21, 2017

When it comes to finding a good book to dedicate yourself to, there is an overwhelming number to choose from. We’ve narrowed down the list with suggestions, from staff and students alike, of books that...

 The new Netflix show “Series of Unfortunate Events” is based on the popular book series of the same name.

‘Series of Unfortunate Events’ Delights Viewers

By Nora Holland, Contest Manager February 21, 2017

If you are looking for a new way to relieve stress after a tedious day of school, look no further than “A Series of Unfortunate Events,” the newest binge-worthy show on Netflix. Jan. 13, “A Series...

The display set up in the Media Center for Blind Date with a Book.

CHS Students Cherish “Blind Date with a Book” Program

By Sai Sreenivasan, Observations Editor February 14, 2017

With Valentine's Day coming up, the Media Center is honoring this holiday and their love for reading with the “Blind Date with a Book” tradition for the third year in a row. The event was started...

Freshman Emma Gray relaxes with an adult coloring book.

Adult Coloring Books Gain Popularity as a Method of Stress Relief

By Laura Sneller, Public Relations Editor April 29, 2016

After a stressful week of tests and homework, students typically unwind by napping or watching Netflix. Now, there is a new relaxation method that increases artistic ability while relieving stress—all...

The early awaited story following an adult Harry Potter is set to come out July 31.

J.K. Rowling announces eighth Harry Potter story

By Becky Wolfson, Production Editor February 19, 2016

Last week, author J.K. Rowling announced that she will publish an eighth Harry Potter story, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child Parts I & II, on July 31 Potter’s 36th birthday. Originally a play, Rowling...

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