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The School Newspaper of Winston Churchill High School.

The Observer

The School Newspaper of Winston Churchill High School.

The Observer

The School Newspaper of Winston Churchill High School.

The Observer

WCHS junior Gabby Mariam poses with the guacamole she prepared for the WCHS Spanish Honors Society potluck held on Febuary 21. The event was a time for the group of students to get together and celebrate Spanish culture and the Spanish language.

WCHS’ Spanish Honors Society displays their culture with a potluck

By Claire Moylan, Assistant Features Editor & Photo Manager February 23, 2024

The WCHS Spanish Honors Society is a group of accomplished Spanish students who come together to celebrate Spanish culture and host events to bring the community together. On February 22, the group did...

AP Chemistry students are grouped into lab tables where they are expected to collaborate on solving the problems and helping each other learn.

Out of element: concerns over AP Chemistry prerequisite

By Ha-Yeon Jeon, Editor-in-Chief December 15, 2023

Despite all AP courses undoubtedly being much more rigorous than the average high school class, there is still a classification among students of these courses as either “hard APs” or “easy APs.”...

Ms. Emmalee Kenny proudly holds up her Teacher of the Month sign.

Teacher of the month: Emmalee Kenny

By Clara Young, Copy Editor December 15, 2023

On a dreary school morning, 40 minutes of physical activity or awkward health topics could sound more appealing to the average student. Yet, the Physical Education and Health departments might have changed...

Distractions in class are limited by the amount of game websites blocked. However, this creates an issue where some educational sites used in class are blocked as well.

MCPS takes a byte out of internet access

By Cailey Harrington, Promotions & Subscriptions Manager December 11, 2023

Students come into contact with blocked websites every day on their MCPS-authorized computers. Whether it is an educational YouTube video assigned by a teacher, games at the end of classes or the very...

WCHS junior Emilia Desiderioscioli uses her school provided chromebook to study. This year, WCHS students must only use school-provided chromebooks while at school, this has both positive and negative consequences.

Tech takeover leads to Chromebook-only controversy

By Rebecca Dean, Assistant Arts Editor November 13, 2023

Technology is undoubtedly an integral part of education at WCHS. From history to math, every single class requires technology, particularly computers. However, WCHS has recently changed the rules regarding...

WCHS media specialist Paige Pagley and WCHS media assistants Lucya Coil and Nia Muhammad work behind the scenes in the WCHS Media Center.

The unsung heroes of WCHS: the media specialists

By Isabella Ngwana, Assistant Online Editor November 13, 2023

Themed book selections and welcoming decorations are only two of the trademarks of the WCHS media center. Whether WCHS students enter the media center to check out books or do schoolwork, they are always...

Students prepared original Latin American country displays complete with informative posters, homemade food samples, and games for Noche Latina 2023 on Oct. 18, 2023.

WCHS salsas and celebrates at Noche Latina

By Julia Levi, Observations Editor November 13, 2023

Argentina. Uruguay. Bolivia. Honduras. The galore of colorful Latin American country displays went on and on as the smell of homemade cooking and sound of excited chatter filled the air. One of the most...

WCHS senior Andrew Ashton, one of the few who participated in spirit week at WCHS, shows off his spirit by wearing elf pajamas during Homecoming Spirit Week. Themes included Pajama Day, Anything But a Backpack Day, and USA Day.

Is WCHS school spirit dead?

By Kalena Yee, Features Editor November 13, 2023

WCHS has a problem. A spirit problem. Hallways that were once filled with students dressed up for spirit days are lacking color. Crowds cheering during sports games are dwindling as the season goes by....

With this year marking her 10th year teaching at WCHS, Ms. Jana Coffey has already made a difference this year. By responding to her students based on how they feel, she is able to make sure everyone feels comfortable.

Teacher of the Month: Jana Coffey

By Cecilia Bernstein, Assistant Observations Editor November 13, 2023

While many students at WCHS believe they have been in every single hallway, many have not been able to explore the Bridge department. There, students will find one of the kindest and most passionate teachers...

WCHS students Laura Jablonover (left) and Kaylee Tasin (right) stand next to the Project Happy Feet donation box in WCHS. This donation box is near the main office and accepts shoes along with other sports equipment.

WCHS club steps towards sports equity

By Clara Young, Copy Editor October 18, 2023

In a town where one-million-dollar houses are the norm, WCHS students are not often exposed to underprivileged communities. It is hard to imagine that a few miles away, people are struggling day to day...

WCHS teacher Ms. Tebay smiles while holding her Teacher of the Month certificate. This is her second year teaching art at WCHS.

Teacher of the Month: Jillian Tebay

By Tafa Nukator, Assistant Opinions Editor October 18, 2023

Paintings, drawings and photographs are plastered on every wall of the classroom. This decor is certainly befitting for someone who teaches a range of different art classes. When students enter WCHS teacher...

The WCHS Criminology club's official logo. The club was created in 2021 in order to create a community for those interested in forensics.

WCHS Criminology club is a space for aspiring criminologists

By Sneha David, Online Content Editor October 3, 2023

Aspiring criminologists at WCHS may turn to adding forensics to their schedule. However, pursuing their interest usually stops there, as WCHS doesn’t offer more criminology classes. The criminology club...

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