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The School Newspaper of Winston Churchill High School.

The Observer

The School Newspaper of Winston Churchill High School.

The Observer

The School Newspaper of Winston Churchill High School.

The Observer

WCHS teachers and staff tried a variety of dishes at the PTSA Teacher Appreciation Luncheon on May 12th, 2023.

WCHS celebrates Teacher Appreciation Week in May

By Sabrina Chou, Assistant Sports Editors June 6, 2023

If there is anything that WCHS needs more of, it is teacher appreciation. According to the National School Boards Association’s Center for Public Education, only a third of teachers feel that their profession...

Election posters have been put up across WCHS' hallways in recent weeks, as student government elections start at the end of the school year.

Class elections: Should students have a say?

By Isar Uslu, Assistant News Editor June 6, 2023

At the end of every school year comes arguably one of the most interactive school-wide events for students: student elections. Plastered across the school’s walls, dozens of posters advertise candidates,...

MCPS students Emily Liu, Shrusti Amula, and Sophie Nguyen present about reducing food waste during the MCPS Youth Climate Summit, another recent climate initiative.

New council breaks the ice for climate action

By Tafa Nukator, Assistant Opinions Editor June 6, 2023

Climate change is considered to be one of the defining crises of our generation. From rising temperatures to natural disasters, the effects of this issue can be seen across the globe. With the UN reporting...

WCHS Bulldog mascot welcomes the incoming 9th graders on orientation to uplift them and get them excited for the new school year.

Incoming! Class of 2027 gets ready to join WCHS

By Rayyan Abunaof, Staff Writer May 31, 2023

All over the country, schools host orientations either at the end of the school year or just before the new school year starts. This event is mainly for incoming freshmen as an opportunity to get a tour...

Potomac Elementary School located in MCPS allows high school students to volunteer to help organize classrooms and watch students at recess. This is a great opportunity to gain SSL hours.

Unlock your summer potential with exciting SSL hour opportunities!

By Nataly Behnia, Social Media Manager May 31, 2023

Many students still need their required 75 student service learning hours (SSL) and summer break is a great time for students to complete them. Service learning is an excellent way for students to fulfill...

Members of Midnight Writers pose after their end of year celebration  on May 19th.

Midnight Writers: WCHS’ unofficial literary magazine

By Sneha David, Online Content Editor May 23, 2023

Whether your passion is sports, math, science or english, WCHS has a club for just about everyone. One of WCHS’ clubs, Midnight Writers allows students to be able to write work of their choice, without...

Seniors gather around a table together hanging out at Senior Day on April 14. Senior Day consisted of many games, sports, food and drinks for all seniors.

Day at Smokey Glen provides fun time for seniors

By Vaughn Malamut, Online Editor May 16, 2023

Nearing the end of their WCHS experience, seniors have a Friday full of sports, food and games, giving them a way to escape from the typical school day. Senior Day is a tradition that nearly every senior...

Inside of the art hallway...

Inside of the art hallway…

By Dehab Deglel, Staff Writer May 16, 2023

In a special pocket between the first and second floor of WCHS, there is a stretch of hallway where glossy glass cases of beautiful artwork, hanging ceiling mobiles and wall murals belong. This is the...

The Potomac Library's new renovations include brand new furniture, carpeting, and an expanded variety of books.

Potomac Library returns

By Ananya Pandit, Assistant Features Editor May 16, 2023

From the dull background chatter, almost like white noise, to the bright overhead lights that chase inertia away, a library is ideal for anyone seeking a place to focus. For students especially, libraries...

Ms. Malanoski smiles while holding her Teacher of the Month certificate. She has been teaching various math classes at WCHS for 23 years and teaching for 27 years in total.

Teacher of the Month: Monica Malanoski

By Kalena Yee, Arts Editor May 16, 2023

Welcome to Maloland, where Among Us doodles are scattered all over white boards and desks are rearranged almost every week. Despite the odd classroom setup, anyone who has had Ms. Monica Malanoski as a...

WCHS is operating on a new testing schedule for the first two weeks of May to accommodate for AP Exams and state-mandated testing.

AP testing schedule changes result in mixed opinions

By Caitlin Murphy, Copy Editor May 9, 2023

Every year, AP Exams bring stress, cram sessions and weird schedules to schools across the country, with WCHS being no exception. Despite many students missing multiple days of school due to exams, WCHS...

WCHS seniors Sanaz Wycoff and Hannah Schulsinger pose together outside of the school building in shirts with their colleges on it on May 1, 2023.

May 1st: a day to celebrate Seniors

By Rachel Mattison, Online Editor-in-Chief May 5, 2023

Left and right, surrounding the front entrance outside of the school, phones could be seen everywhere taking pictures of friends touting shirts announcing their plans for after graduation. May 1st is the...

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