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The School Newspaper of Winston Churchill High School.

The Observer

The School Newspaper of Winston Churchill High School.

The Observer

The School Newspaper of Winston Churchill High School.

The Observer

On April 25, 2023 Principal John Taylor sent out an email about the graffiti found in the WCHS bathroom. This event resulted in a restorative justice lesson during pride the next day.

Restorative Justice must be served at WCHS

By Jordan Pashkoff, Editor-in-Chief May 4, 2023

On April 25, the WCHS community received an email from Principal John Taylor about hateful graffiti that was written on the wall of one of the girl's bathrooms. While what was written was disclosed, Principal...

Hannah Choi and her dance group perform a Korean fan dance in the WCHS cafeteria at International Night on March 23.

International night takes students around the world

By Kalena Yee, Arts Editor April 19, 2023

Taiwan. France. South Korea. Jamaica. These are just some of the many countries showcased at WCHS’s 2nd annual International Night on March 23. Hosted by the International Student Alliance, WCHS students...

The ambassadors of the Umttr club at WCHS pose in front of their poster on club day on Nov. 11, 2021. The ambassadors were recruiting people for their club and gave all students the opportunity to join.

WCHS club sheds light on mental health and wellness

By Cecilia Bernstein, Photo Manager March 28, 2023

Almost one in three high school students experience persistent feelings of hopelessness and depression, according to the Center for Disease Control. As students confront these new emotions caused by school,...

WCHS sophomore Aida Sadjadpour browses through a packet with a list of BES nominees at the media center during lunch.

Black Eyed Susan books promote new reads

By Rebecca Dean, Staff Writer March 28, 2023

One of the hardest parts of reading is getting started. Picking out a book to read can be overwhelming for many. Luckily, the WCHS media center has a selection of specially chosen books students can read...

Using the MCPS Stronger Student app, students are able to access various mental health resources through their phone.

Stronger app provides a new outlet to express issues

By Sneha David, Assistant Online Editor March 28, 2023

In the past five years, MCPS has taken many new initiatives to improve students’ wellness, whether it be through programs implemented in the classroom or online resources. Partnering with past Montgomery...

Mrs. Marshall, shown holding her Teacher of the Month sign, currently teaches AP U.S. History and Honors NSL. She has been a teacher for 17 years, all of which have been at WCHS.

Teacher of the Month: Amanda Marshall

By Caitlin Murphy, Copy Editor March 28, 2023

From telling stories about the robber barons of the Gilded Age in AP U.S. History to teaching students about checks and balances in Honors NSL, Amanda Marshall certainly brings social studies to life in...

Rubani Singh and fellow WCHS seniors pose in the cafeteria during the GLOW dance. Their neon outfits popped against the dark setting.

Annual WCHS January dance is “GLOW” much fun

By Rachel Mattison, Online EIC March 27, 2023

On typical Friday afternoons students can be seen rushing out of school, eager for the weekend to start. However on Jan. 21, students excitedly entered WCHS, on a Saturday night, not to learn but to instead...

Mr. Freundel, shown holding up his "Teacher of the Month" certificate, teaches both AP Psychology and Honors World.

Teacher of the Month: John Freundel

By Melissa Redlich, Features Editor March 27, 2023

Teaching Weber’s Law in AP Psychology, Genghis Khan in Honors World History, fiscal policy in AP NSL and feudalism in Medieval History, John Freundel has done it all. However, no matter what curriculum...

Ms. Keival posing with her Rainbow Bulldog Award that she was presented to by the GSA for taking the extra steps in making her classroom a safe and inclusive environment.

New “Rainbow Bulldog Award” promotes inclusivity

By Sneha David, Assistant Online Editor March 27, 2023

When coming to school, students should never have to feel like they cannot be themselves. While WCHS prides itself on being a welcoming community, certain teachers go above and beyond in making their classrooms...

Mr. Swift proudly holds up his “Teacher of the Month” certificate. This is Swift’s third year at WCHS, where he teaches AP Computer Science Principles and Broadcast TV.

Teacher of the Month: William Swift

By Julia Levi, Assistant Observations Editor March 27, 2023

Doing everything from holding skiing world records and working for PBS to teaching high school students, calling Mr. William Swift well-rounded would be an understatement. Known for his bubbly and lively...

Tarina Amaralikit spent weeks creating a piece specifically for the NAHS art show. Her piece is about the imagination of childhood, which often creates magic out of everyday and overlooked objects.

NAHS art show will be filled with masterpieces and fundraising

By Caitlin Murphy, Copy Editor March 11, 2023

Painting. Sculpture. Drawing. Fashion. Photography. At WCHS, students have the opportunity to explore their creative sides with the numerous art classes offered, ranging from introductory classes for beginners...

Each year MCPS talks with the MCEA, the teacher's union, to determine salaries.

Higher or lower: teachers’ wages

By Nate Levine, Promotions Manager March 6, 2023

What would we do without our teachers? That hypothetical could become a reality shortly, as MCPS is making it hard for teachers to maintain a consistent living situation. With the high cost of living in...

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