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The School Newspaper of Winston Churchill High School.

The Observer

The School Newspaper of Winston Churchill High School.

The Observer

The School Newspaper of Winston Churchill High School.

The Observer

RMHS sophomore Christina DeFiore (left) is joined by other RMHS students, helping the DMV community by volunteering with the Covid Cadets. The Covid Cadets collect donations from doorsteps and front porches, taking them to So What Else, an organization that donates toys, games, clothes and many more to low-income families in the area.

Covid Cadets volunteer to help those in need

By Aliki Dimitoglou, Advertising and Subscriptions Manager May 29, 2020

Everyone is asking about Covid-19. Where did it start? What can I do to stay safe? What will happen to my business and family? How can I help? There is an answer to the last question: students from around...

WCHS junior Cat Gilligan irons fabric that she will later sew to make face masks for those who need them during the pandemic. With the help of WCHS students and families, Gilligan has been able to craft and donate many masks to patients at local hospitals that are unable to get them on their own.

WCHS students help communties affected by pandemic

By Ari Dimitoglou, Photo Manager May 29, 2020

Since the recent outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, WCHS communities have been instructed by Gov. Larry Hogan to stay home and self-quarantine as the virus continues to spread. While the quarantine has...

On April 10 2020, Tulane University in New Oreleans, Louisiana announced that they will officially be going test optional for the 2020-2021 admissions.

Colleges waive testing requirements for fall applicants

By Ally Salzberg, Assistant Online Editor May 13, 2020

During this quarantine, students have had a lot of extra time on their hands. Most people are trying to continue with their normal routine as much as they can, while others are taking the time to catch...

Students from all around the county came together to attend the virtual town hall hosted by councilman Tom Hucker. The town hall featured many different student activist groups, smob candidates, and student journalists

MCPS student town hall meeting discusses school closures

By Ela Jalil, Assistant News Editor May 13, 2020

On Weds. April 22, Councilmember Tom Hucker and Lynn Harris, hosted a virtual student town hall that allowed student activist groups to introduce their agenda and to answer questions that students had...

The student members of MoCo Pride pose for a group picture. They have been working hard all year to create the country's first high school LGBTQ+ Studies curriculum.

New MCPS LGBTQ+ Studies course makes history

By Trevor Gardemal, Social Media Manager May 13, 2020

Over the past few years, MCPS has made efforts to diversify their curriculum. These changes include the introduction of books written by women and people in color into English curriculums, and the introduction...

All WCHS vending machines have been replaced over the last few months. Shown are two of the new kinds of vending machines that have been installed around the school.

New and improved vending machines make it to WCHS

By Trevor Gardemal, Social Media Manager March 9, 2020

Many WCHS students tend to satisfy their daily hunger with snacks from the vending machines spread throughout the school. With multiple machines and a variety of contents in each, it is hard to be unhappy...

The final two candidates Vicky Kidder (left) and Nick Asante (right) pose after hearing their nomination for the SMOB general election. The pair are the final two who students will vote on for the position.

SMOB nominating convention: the final two

By Quinn Cook, Staff Writer March 5, 2020

On Feb. 12, delegates from schools around the county went to the annual nominating convention for the 43rd Student Member of the Board (SMOB) position. Held at Watkins Mill Elementary School, the convention...

Churchill for Climate members smile with representative Jamie Raskin, as they hold posters with reasons as to why they participated in the polar plunge

Churchill for Climate raises awareness for a hot issue

By Allison Jacobs, News Editor March 4, 2020

Recently, climate change and environmental issues have caused a sense of panic. From threats of the world ending in 50 years to never-ending forest fires, climate change and environmental issues are a...

WCHS students spend their extend vacation at the beach in late August. Under Gov. Larry Hogan's ruling, all Maryland schools will start after Labor Day, giving students a longer summer break.

MCPS continues to fight to keep summer short and sweet

By Charley Hutton, Advertising and Subscriptions Manager March 3, 2020

In Aug. of 2016, Gov. Larry Hogan issued a mandate requiring school to start after Labor Day, denying the Montgomery County Board of Education the power to give each county the freedom to make their own...

Cabin John Middle School President, Sekayi Fraser, poses with the Montgomery County Board President when he testified for the use of 2 ply toilet paper to the Board of Education.

Plunge into the campaign for two ply toilet paper

By Ava Freeman, Features Editor March 3, 2020

With the MCPS operating budget being $2.8 billion, many would think that replacing the current one ply toilet paper in schools with two ply would not affect the county’s finances. However, this has proven...

Junior Liz Porter is registering to vote at WCHS during lunch. The Montgomery County Board of Elections registered students three days during lunch.

Early voter registration allows students to prepare for the future

By Jeremy Fredricks, Assistant Opinions Editor February 26, 2020

For three days at lunch, the Montgomery County Board of Education had a table at WCHS to allow students over the age of 16 the opportunity to register to vote.   While you have to be 18 to vote, Maryland...

Therapy dogs were at school Tuesday and Thursday roaming the halls and provided a much needed stress relief for students.

Mental health awareness week comes to WCHS

By Emma Chen, Observations Editor February 6, 2020

The week of November 11th at WCHS was Mental Health Awareness week. November as a whole is Mental Health Awareness month, and this was the was WCHS was implementing self care into the students' schedules. On...

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