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The School Newspaper of Winston Churchill High School.

The Observer

The School Newspaper of Winston Churchill High School.

The Observer

The School Newspaper of Winston Churchill High School.

The Observer

A broken water fountain at WCHS gets taken out of service after being covered in scotch tape and a plastic water bottle.

School in need of repairs while soap thieves sink to new low

By Isar Uslu, Staff Writer March 28, 2023

Broken water fountains. Broken sinks. Stolen soap dispensers. HVAC that is scorching hot in some rooms and freezing cold in others. WCHS students face infrastructure issues everyday. But despite the frustration...

WCHS sophomore Julia Bloise does math homework during lunch in an effort to relearn Algebra I concepts that she learned during virtual school.

Sumthing’s off: MCPS math levels decline

By Leah Kreisler, Online Photo Manager March 23, 2023

Starting in Kindergarten, students are continuously learning basic math concepts that allow them to move forward and comprehend more complicated ones. Multiplication and division lead to fractions and...

Counterfeit pills laced with Fentanyl can be difficult to distinguish from the authentic ones. These fake pills tend to be a light blue with "M" and "30" stampings.

Fentanyl: the silent killer of Montgomery Co.

By Julia Levi, Assistant Observations Editor March 23, 2023

The growing epidemic of teen opioid abuse seems to be relentless and never ending. Within the past few months fentanyl has been rapidly circulating throughout MCPS, with 70% of overdoses in the county...

The three members of the Bridge to Wellness team, Maria Bruno, Alex Metral, and Dominic Elliot, stand in front of their "Bridge to Wellness" room poster.

Bridge to Wellness connects students to positive mental health

By Ha-Yeon Jeon, Features Editor March 21, 2023

$8,000,000: the Montgomery County Council’s special appropriations for expanding High School Wellness Centers (HSWCs) into every MCPS high school. Although Montgomery County has attempted a wide variety...

2021-22's Black History Month mural created by the iDream Churchill Club was created to spread awareness towards the WCHS students about African American history. It was made to show the importance of BHM and the many lives that have been impacted throughout the years.

iDream Churchill strives to commemorate Black history

By Kendyl Groisser, Assistant Online Editor March 21, 2023

Slavery, segregation and police brutality are all struggles that black Americans have faced throughout history and still face today. Black History Month (BHM) serves as a celebration of black culture and...

The following message is now displayed when users open the GradeView mobile app. This message was prompted starting in the beginning of 2023 and access to GradeView is no longer available.

GradeView gets shot down, suspect unknown

By Justin Greenzaid, Sports Editor March 21, 2023

Stressful. When students are asked to describe school in one word, “stressful” comes up frequently. This stress which is often experienced by students of all grade levels is oftentimes built up by...

These recently-installed thermostat sensors allow WCHS teachers to warm or cool their classroom by two degrees.

Too hot, too cold: WCHS’ never-ending Goldilocks problem

By George Chang, Arts Editor March 21, 2023

Even though it is nearing the dead of winter—with excitement in the air over snow flurries and holiday break—WCHS junior Ana Grazziani finds the heat unbearable.  On the flip side, WCHS history...

Protestors stand outside the Supreme Court on Oct. 30, a day before the beginning of arguments regarding the status of affirmative action at U.S. colleges.

Controversy sparks over new affirmative action case

By Clara Young, Assistant News Editor March 21, 2023

Racism is deeply ingrained into this country’s history, and the decades of systematic oppression cannot be easily reversed. Affirmative action was originally intended to reduce discrimination in the...

On Feb. 15, students completed the “No Place for Hate” Pride lesson. The lesson aimed to educate students on how to stop hate bias at WCHS.

WCHS takes new initiatives to stop hate bias

By Caroline Harless, Observations Editor March 2, 2023

School should be a safe and inclusive place for everyone. From learning in class to eating lunch with friends, students spend most of their time at school. However, when instances of hate bias occur—harmful...

WCHS strives to include all of its diverse student body and faculty. The culture and equity forums are an important step towards this goal.

WCHS places an emphasis on culture and equity

By Leah Kreisler, Online Photo Manager January 31, 2023

In a school as multicultural as WCHS, the administration strives to bring together and hear the varied voices of students and staff in order to create a more inclusive environment. On Jan. 18, students...

In response to the withholding of National Merit information, Fairfax County parents staged a protest. Parents are seeking accountability for the actions of Jefferson and other high schools across the county.

Thomas Jefferson High School scandal brings up concerns for WCHS students

By Caroline Harless, Observations Editor January 31, 2023

The National Merit Scholarship is an achievement many top-performing students strive for while taking the PSAT. Providing financial aid to attend college, National Merit can benefit students who may need...

Antisemitic remarks can be seen graffitied on a wall near the Bethesda trail. This attack, as well as others, has prompted people to take action in order to prevent it in the future.

Recent antisemitic incidents hit close to home

By Michael Demske, Sports Editor January 20, 2023

Antisemitism in our nation is not a new development, yet it somehow shocks everyone when it materializes in their communities. The messages represented by swastikas on graves and white, cone-shaped hat-donning...

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