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The School Newspaper of Winston Churchill High School.

The Observer

The School Newspaper of Winston Churchill High School.

The Observer

The School Newspaper of Winston Churchill High School.

The Observer

While it may look empty during classtime, the group of vending machines near the cafeteria are surrounded with students during lunch and after school, making it one of the most popular places students go to.

All vending machines should remain open during school

By Jeremy Chung, Assistant News Editor January 2, 2022

The clinking and rustling of coins and dollar bills perfectly complemented the overlapping chatter of students idly discussing their day or what to get. That is a perfect way to describe the environment...

Students oftentimes find themselves cramming for the multiple tests they will have to take the next morning the night before, meaning that many of them are unable to truly reap the potential benefits of testing.

Test overlap overwhelms students’ schedules

By Ha-Yeon Jeon, Opinions Editor January 2, 2022

A messy scribble-scrabble of different pen colors, notes scribbled in the margins and overlapping due dates highlighted and marked with rows of exclamation points. What is this? A student’s planner....

The WCHS parking lot on the morning of Dec. 6. While getting to see the colors of the sunrise over Gainsborough Road are a treat, students should not have to see them because schools should start later.

Getting Z’s could lead to more A’s

By Nate Levine, Photo Manager January 2, 2022

An hour’s difference in the morning could haunt kids’ sleep cycles for life. If an issue of this magnitude has been caused by the school system, the conversation of schools opening later needs to be...

It is unclear how long the mask mandate will last in MOCO as well as in MCPS. Until then, we must get adjusted to life with medical masks.

Mask mandate should remain until COVID-19 is over

By Nur Yavuz, Social Media Manager December 1, 2021

Effective on Oct. 28, 2021, Montgomery County suspended its mask mandate for places available to the public. Approaching winter months, was lifting the mandate the smartest decision in the first place? MOCO...

Students complete the SAT in four sections that include reading, writing, language and math. The majority of questions are answered in multiple choice form.

Bubble in A: Why to abolish the SAT

By Nate Levine, Photo Manager December 1, 2021

The 154 question test is expected for college admissions. Do well, get into the college that is desired. But do poorly, and the opposite might happen. This is the SAT. Some will say that the SAT is...

WCHS students work on their school-issued Chromebooks during class. Every student should have the same opportunities and technology equality at school.

Students should only be using school-issued Chromebooks

By Jordan Pashkoff, Arts Editor November 3, 2021

Think back to March 2020. Nobody brought personal computers to school. Students all used the Chromebooks that were provided in their classrooms without complaints. The virtual learning environment made...

Junior Jack Gans completes schoolwork on his personal MacBook. Instead of bringing his issued Chromebook to school, Gans brings his own computer because he is more used to it.

Enforced Chromebook usage is unnecessary

By Jeremy Chung, Assistant News Editor November 3, 2021

Chromebooks: small, slow and unreliable laptops all WCHS students must use. When students returned to in-person instruction, they had to adapt to numerous changes implemented by the WCHS administration....

Students line up in the hallway, waiting to get out of the school. The end of school is one of the most risky times for students, as every student in the building lines up to go out the same few exits.

WCHS hallways are not COVID-19 safe

By Jasper Bernstein, Observations Editor October 29, 2021

As a student takes a step in the hallway between periods, they look over and see several students near them, all within six feet of each other. Such is life for WCHS students, and in the rush-hour-esque...

The Virtual Academy that was announced on the MCPS website includes an infographic explaining different aspects of the new schooling option. These include who is eligible, which teachers will teach virtually and how to enroll.

The “Virtual Academy” should be more accessible

By Austin Vinner, News Editor June 14, 2021

Over the past year, virtual school has become an important point of contention across the country. It is hated by some due to the learning difficulties it poses and revered by others as an easier way to...

WCHS' 2020-21 schedule equipped with some common student commentary.

Online school had positive aspects

By Jeremy Fredricks, Editor-in-Chief June 12, 2021

A glass half-full person can find good in any situation. As this crazy school year comes to a close, there’s been a lot of positives, even though it has been easy to find the negatives: a deadly pandemic,...

Although "the Churchill Observer" was virtual this year, students shared their reactions to articles by writing letters to the authors.

Spring 2021 Letters to the Editor

By Observer Staff June 11, 2021

During a year of virtual publications, connecting with the WCHS community has been hard.  However, "the Churchill Observer" is excited to share six "Letters to the Editor" from spring 2021. Below are...

A vaccine mandate for all universities, public and private, will save the U.S. billions of dollars, and speed up the process for return to complete in-person instruction.

Colleges should have vaccine mandates

By Nur Yavuz, Social Media Manager June 4, 2021

As the vaccine rollout continues throughout the US, and the school year comes to a close, colleges are beginning to require vaccination for their first year students in the fall of 2021. Along with mask...

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