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The School Newspaper of Winston Churchill High School.

The Observer

The School Newspaper of Winston Churchill High School.

The Observer

The School Newspaper of Winston Churchill High School.

The Observer

Some students may not have access to computers or a stable internet connection, which makes it extremely difficult for them to learn on a virtual platform.

Online school has many negative effects

By Allison Fan, Assistant Features Editor June 4, 2021

As the unprecedented 2020-2021 school year comes to an end, many are now wondering what comes next. While MCPS is planning to fully return to in-person learning for the 2021-2022 school year, they are...

The COVID-19 Mass Vaccination Site at Greenbelt Metro Station in Md. Since April 6, all students 16 and older have been eligible to receive the vaccine.

Can MCPS mandate students to have the COVID-19 vaccine?

By Jasper Bernstein, Observations Editor May 3, 2021

It’s been a topic of intense debate for years. We’ve seen protests, debates and demonstrations, all trying to provide answers to the same question: can vaccines be mandatory? And if so, does this give...

 The US Capitol Building which houses congress looms over DC just miles from WCHS in Potomac, MD. Despite this proximity, and notable other governmental influences like MCPS’s Board or Montgomery County’s government buildings, The Observer for the most part avoids publishing anything political.

Why high school publications shouldn’t censor politics

By Quinn Cook, News Editor April 22, 2021

Across almost all parts of my life spans politics, government and policy; I follow stories, develop opinions and hold unending and pervasive discourse about all matters scaling neighborhood to national....

These words are representative of the body positive movement. They promote self love and feeling confident in your own skin.

The use of Photoshop creates impossible beauty standards

By Ava Freeman, Online Editor-in-Chief April 22, 2021

“Beauty comes in all shapes and sizes” is the motto for the body positivity movement that took off on TikTok this year. More and more influencers have aimed to showcase their imperfections and emphasize...

As quarentine set in video call services have filled in as a replacment for most in person interactions.

Do cameras on have an effect on the learning environment?

By Liam Klein, Online Editor April 7, 2021

Cameras play an integral role in our everyday lives. From security cameras to movie cameras, to the digital cameras in every smartphone, cameras are responsible for a lot. But with online schools becoming...

"Framing Britney Spears," episode six of "New York Times Presents," follows the teen pop stars complicated rise to fame. Spears was a worldwide phenominum whose career took a turn for the worse in 2007 when she could no longer keep up with the demands of her job.

Childhood fame can leave a high toll on those who experience it

By Ava Freeman, Online Editor in Chief March 16, 2021

All American pop sensation, Britney Spears', rapid rise to fame may have started off as a dream come true, but it soon turned into a nightmare. The new documentary that was released Feb. 5 on Hulu, “Framing...

The hallways and stairwells of WCHS have been marked with arrows to guide students and staff in the safest manner possible when reopening begins.

Returning to school poses a greater risk than reward

By Nur Yavuz, Features Editor March 8, 2021

COVID-19 continues to unleash its wrath upon the globe, affecting millions of jobs and the education of our youth. One year has passed since the start of the country’s fight with the pandemic, marking...

While depression and anxiety are often the most common and talked about teen mental illnesses, many teenagers struggle with a multitude of other illnesses. It is important for parents, teachers, and teens themselves to not overlook mental health, and to take the necessary steps to prevent and combat mental illnesses, such as limiting social media.

Social media damages teens’ mental health

By Caitlin Murphy, Staff Writer March 3, 2021

TikTok, Instagram and Snapchat all have one thing in common: they are forms of social media. Social media has many benefits for teens, such as keeping them in touch with friends, building communication...

The counseling department made this one pager to easily show resources to use if you or someone you know is going through mental health issues.

SOS lessons on depression are out of touch

By Allison Jacobs, Editor in Chief March 1, 2021

At the end of the first semester, juniors and seniors had SOS lessons focused on depression in their English classes. The lessons included a video, as well as a presentation and a discussion from the counselor...

Many prominent social media companies, such as Instagram, Facebook and Twitter have banned users that do not follow their user policy. Tech giants have an obligation to suspend the accounts that violate their guidelines.

Social media companies should ban inappropriate users

By Maya Bhattiprolu, Online Editor January 27, 2021

Twitter, Instagram and other major social media companies banned President Trump and his fellow supporters from their platform days after the horrifying Jan. 6, 2021 U.S. Capitol riot, sparking controversy...

Sienna Mae Gomez, a teenager who is most known for her confidence and embracing her body, encourages her followers to be confident in their own bodies as well. She posts photos of her  true self, not just the most perfect pictures of the batch.

Body positivity is necessary to break beauty norms

By Ally Salzberg, Opinions Editor January 27, 2021

The time period that we live in comes with an exorbitant amount of technological advances. One thing that has come out of these advances that has become a very controversial topic over the years is social...

Due to virtual school, snow days may become obsolete- and that's a good thing.

Snow days are not logical during virtual learning

By Ela Jalil, News Editor January 27, 2021

Imagine a time where you don’t have to go to school past June 16. A time where Spring Break isn’t cut short to make up for the missed learning due to snow days. This is now the reality and it should...

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