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The School Newspaper of Winston Churchill High School.

The Observer

The School Newspaper of Winston Churchill High School.

The Observer

The School Newspaper of Winston Churchill High School.

The Observer

 While Maryland is among the states that are still shut-down or have restrictions (gold on the map), other states like Georgia, Iowa and Montana have at least a partial reopening (dark green). Orders are lifting soon in Pennsylvania and North Carolina (pale green), even though no U. S. state has had their cases decrease for 14 days, something President Trump's plan recommended before Governors should reopen their states.

States shouldn’t reopen until they have a plan

By Jeremy Fredricks, Assistant Opinions Editor May 11, 2020

As the number of COVID-19 cases and deaths per day starts to plateau and shrink across the country, there comes the question, “What’s next?” For millions of unemployed Americans, they hope to return...

People know that being an adult is not all that kids think it is. It comes with many challenges and local organizations like the one pictured above use this idea to make drivers laugh as they pass this sign.

Adulting classes should be offered at WCHS

By Austin Vinner, Photo Manager March 11, 2020

Classes in school on subjects that are useful in real life were once only a wish, but recently, classes on how to be an adult have begun to be offered at some schools. While this class does exist, there's...

Students walk to their new classes after being given changed schedules for the new semester. At WCHS, this happens once a year.

Semester class changes are necessary for students

By Anna Kronthal, Opinions Editor March 7, 2020

The beginning of the third quarter is not just the start of a new marking period-- it is the start of new teachers, new classmates and even new courses. At the beginning of the second semester, WCHS...

Colleges that have early decision allow seniors to destress early as they know that they are going to college.

Yes to early decision

By Miranda Chung, Copy Editor March 4, 2020

The deadline to apply early decision to college has passed and students have received their admission letters. Early decision is a college admissions process in which high school students send their application...

Feminine products should be free...period.

Feminine products should be free…period.

By Ela Jalil, Assistant News Editor March 3, 2020

An average woman will have over 500 periods in her lifetime, each one lasting between three to seven days according to a Feb. 2020 Netdoctor article. Each day she should use between three to seven pads...

With WCHS's new attendance policy in place, students will need to make sure to arrive on time to class. This especially means, no ignoring your alarm clock and sleeping in during first period.

Students hit snooze on the new attendance policy

By Anna Kronthal, Opinions Editor March 3, 2020

There are countless reasons students may not be within their classroom’s door frame at the second the bell rings commencing the beginning of a period. Whether they have to use the bathroom before class,...

Snap Maps is a feature on Snapchat where locations can be shared with friends while using the app. This technological feature can hurt teens' mental health as they can see when they are being left out from an event which can lead to the feelings of isolation, depression or anxiety.

Location tracking apps are not the right snap

By Riley Hurr, Editor-in-Chief March 3, 2020

To what lengths will parents go to express their love for their children? As we ride into this new technological era, social media tracking apps are becoming more and more popular. With features such as...

Photo by Miranda Chung.

Fast fashion is hurting the earth at an alarmingly rapid rate

By Miranda Chung, Copy Editor March 3, 2020

With the earth’s average temperature rising annually, young people all over the world are leading the fight against climate change and global warming. From using metal straws to building composts to...

Politics have no place in popular sporting events

Politics have no place in popular sporting events

By Jeremy Fredricks, Assistant Opinions Editor March 1, 2020

More than 102 million Americans watched Super Bowl LIV according to Adweek. This means nearly a third of the nation was watching the same channel. The game was filled with suspenseful moments, as the Kansas...

January 8 2020, students throughout montgomery county were sent home from school halfway throughout the day due to potential snow. The next morning, students and faculty awoke to much worse conditions and a larger amount of snow that did not prevent them ffrom missing school, just getting a delay.

MCPS should plan for more snow days

By Ally Salzberg, Assistant Online Editor February 23, 2020

Whether it snows or not is completely out of our hands. As much as students may want it to work--flushing ice cubes down the toilet, sleeping with a spoon under pillows or wearing pajamas inside out--...

The commercial for Zola, a wedding registry company, featured a same-sex couple tying the knot. This celebration of love was torn apart by "One Million Moms," a conservative group.

WCHS should stand in support of inclusion

By Jordyn Green, Online Editor-in-Chief February 6, 2020

The Hallmark Channel is typically a place of love and warmth: this hub of holiday films is a place many WCHS students turn to in order to get into the holiday spirit. However, this year, the channel was...

At the meeting, there were seven posters that explained different facts about MCPS districts and the timeline that was going to be followed. This poster explained the different phases as well as showed the other future meetings for audience members.

Redistricting meeting opens eyes to both sides of the debate

By Allison Jacobs, News Editor February 5, 2020

A current prominent issue in Montgomery County is school redistricting and how it will be implemented. Montgomery County has decided that students will be bussed to various schools throughout the county;...

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