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The School Newspaper of Winston Churchill High School.

The Observer

The School Newspaper of Winston Churchill High School.

The Observer

The School Newspaper of Winston Churchill High School.

The Observer

Politics have no place in popular sporting events

Politics have no place in popular sporting events

By Jeremy Fredricks, Assistant Opinions Editor March 1, 2020

More than 102 million Americans watched Super Bowl LIV according to Adweek. This means nearly a third of the nation was watching the same channel. The game was filled with suspenseful moments, as the Kansas...

January 8 2020, students throughout montgomery county were sent home from school halfway throughout the day due to potential snow. The next morning, students and faculty awoke to much worse conditions and a larger amount of snow that did not prevent them ffrom missing school, just getting a delay.

MCPS should plan for more snow days

By Ally Salzberg, Assistant Online Editor February 23, 2020

Whether it snows or not is completely out of our hands. As much as students may want it to work--flushing ice cubes down the toilet, sleeping with a spoon under pillows or wearing pajamas inside out--...

The commercial for Zola, a wedding registry company, featured a same-sex couple tying the knot. This celebration of love was torn apart by "One Million Moms," a conservative group.

WCHS should stand in support of inclusion

By Jordyn Green, Online Editor-in-Chief February 6, 2020

The Hallmark Channel is typically a place of love and warmth: this hub of holiday films is a place many WCHS students turn to in order to get into the holiday spirit. However, this year, the channel was...

At the meeting, there were seven posters that explained different facts about MCPS districts and the timeline that was going to be followed. This poster explained the different phases as well as showed the other future meetings for audience members.

Redistricting meeting opens eyes to both sides of the debate

By Allison Jacobs, News Editor February 5, 2020

A current prominent issue in Montgomery County is school redistricting and how it will be implemented. Montgomery County has decided that students will be bussed to various schools throughout the county;...

Senior Emma Chen's Instagram story congratulates her friend after getting into Colorado College with the words "so proud."

College decisions online are supportive

By Anna Kronthal, Opinions Editor February 3, 2020

If you ask any senior what is being referenced with the phrases “my best friend is off to…” or “____ just got so lucky,” they will know exactly what you are talking about. While these phrases...

Late artists deserve peace and respect

By Ava Freeman, Features Editor February 3, 2020

From Lil Peep to XXXTentacion to Mac Miller, there have been numerous hip hop artists who have passed away within the last few years, devastating fans. The most recent rapper to pass is Jared Anthony Higgens,...

The increase in acceptance rates for Early Decision applications puts pressure on students and families to apply somewhere ED. This can pose a heavy financial burden on families, as ED doesn't allow students to see the different financial aid packages they could be offered.

Early Decision: a binding commitment worth rejecting

By Emma Chen, Observations Editor February 3, 2020

In today’s incredibly accomplishment-driven society, a college degree is vital to succeed in life. Most jobs require at least graduation from an undergraduate college, while many also require additional...

The Walgreens in Potomac Woods Plaza has begun stocking the iconic chocolate heart boxes of Valentine's Day. Most of this chocolate will not be bought or eaten, and as displayed by the pile of boxes on the cart, creates waste. The quantity of candy available in early January also prompts thought on the fossil fuels necessary to make all of these products and transport all of them to thousands of stores throughout the country.

Valentine’s Day: not so sweet for the environment

By Victoria Park, Opinions Editor February 3, 2020

There is no better way to show how much you love someone than  presenting them with a bouquet of roses, a heart shaped box of chocolates and a plush teddy bear. But these flowers die in a week or so,...

Sharing college decisions online is hurtful

Sharing college decisions online is hurtful

By Sapna David, Features Editor February 3, 2020

For many WCHS students, early December tends to be a time of lethargy as students look forward to winter break. But for seniors, the weeks leading up to break are the dreaded Early Decision weeks. As the...

WCHS students constantly recieve answers for quizzes and tests on their phones.

Collecting phones during assessments will stop cheating

By Jeremy Fredricks, Assistant Opinions Editor January 19, 2020

For high school students, nothing is more annoying than when other students get the answers for a test that you spent the whole night studying for. Cheating is clearly unfair but with modern technology,...

A student chooses which school to apply to from a dropdown on the Common Application. This will determine which majors they can take in the future.

Choosing a college major should be a decision made later

By Anna Kronthal, Opinions Editor January 17, 2020

The question, “what do you want to be when you grow up?” has always been a whimsical way of making small talk. On high school applications however, it declares and even defines your future. As the...

Lori Loughlin (right) and daughter Olivia Jade (left) were involved in one of the largest college scandals in 2019.

Should there be more serious consequences for those who bribe their kids way into college?

By Cherri Tung, Arts Editor January 4, 2020

What are the consequences for individuals who are charged with involvement in bribery to get their unqualified children into prestigious  colleges?  Many of these scandals happen with celebrities....

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