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The School Newspaper of Winston Churchill High School.

The Observer

The School Newspaper of Winston Churchill High School.

The Observer

The School Newspaper of Winston Churchill High School.

The Observer

Students should not be required to fulfill their civic obligation of jury duty. Other alternative options should exist to supplement this obligation.

Students should be exempt from jury duty

By Julia Lescht, Senior Writer May 17, 2019

One of the most exciting times in any high schooler’s life is reaching the age of 18. At this age, one is finally, and legally, an adult. However, what may be overshadowed from the excitement of registering...

Harvest Dispensary, located in Bethesda, Maryland, features many CBD infused creations.

Should CBD be so easily accessible?

By Ally Salzberg, Assistant Online Editor May 14, 2019

With vaping becoming more popular by the day, people need to be aware of the overall effects that drugs put on their body. CBD, the non psychoactive version of marijuana, has become the newest craze....

Being proficient in different languages allows people to have a multicultural perspective on issues and to be able to communicate with others living around the world.

Foreign language class should be mandatory for all years

By Miranda Chung, Copy Editor May 14, 2019

Currently at WCHS, the minimum requirement of foreign language credits that are needed to graduate is three. There are some universities in the country that make foreign language classes mandatory as well....

Randy Houser is a country singer and many of his  previous songs have contained references to drug use.

Country music is more explicit than people may think

By Maya Bhattiprolu, Assistant Online Editor May 9, 2019

Parents traveling with little kids will often switch the station when a rap song comes on to a “safer” genre, like country, to avoid exposing them to controversial topics. However, changing the station...

Cabin John Shopping Center is a very popular destination for WCHS students who go out for lunch.

Students should have the freedom to go out for lunch

By Ava Freeman, Features Editor May 9, 2019

Five days, 35 hours or 2,100 minutes is typically how long WCHS students spend within the walls of school each week. With the exception of seniors, students are not permitted to leave school grounds during...

MCPS students have enjoyed the luxury of not having final exams, but that may actually be hurting them in the long run.

MCPS students harmed by lack of final exams

By Jasper Bernstein, Assistant Observations Editor May 8, 2019

Although a lack of final exams may make WCHS students happy in the short-term, exams are a very important part of college. Without exams, students are not being prepared for the intensive rigors of college....

The 2019 Oscars took place Feb. 24 and had no host for the first time in 30 years. They were held at the Dolby Theatre in Los Angeles, California.

Oscars receive backlash from #MeToo supporters

By Kathy Hu, Advertising and subscriptions manager April 11, 2019

The #MeToo movement came into light in 2017 and has taken the world by storm ever since. With the 2018 Oscars, which included many accused men being nominated for awards, the #MeToo hashtag blew up on...

Teachers across the nation organize various strikes, hoping to create change within the education system.

Teachers strike to create change

By Sapna David, Assistant Arts Editor April 8, 2019

Funding is decreasing for schools across the country, with no heating in classrooms, art and music programs being shut down, damaged textbooks and unfair wages for teachers. But does all of this allow...

Apps like Uber provide a cheap and safe alternative to driving.

Ride sharing apps provide cheap alternatives

By Vicky Gunawan, Observations Editor April 8, 2019

We’re all guilty of trying to find the cheapest option to get from one place to another, whether it be through Uber or Lyft, but are these modes of transportation really the best option? Uber and...

Students need to accept their part in the college scandal

Students need to accept their part in the college scandal

By Caitlyn Jennings and Jackson Resnick April 5, 2019

A 1570 SAT score, straight A’s all throughout high school, a boatload of extracurricular activities and a diminished high school social life. This is the typical academic resume that the average Yale...

Colleges need to change policies to equal playing field

Colleges need to change policies to equal playing field

By Miranda Chung, Assistant Opinions Editor April 5, 2019

The college admission scandal that broke out March 12 has put a massive spotlight on the inequity of the college admission process, and the absurd lengths parents would go to get for their child to receive...

The feeling of leaving school before a day off is one of excitement and relief, and is not felt enough by the WCHS student body.

Montgomery county school’s start date sparks debate

By Ohio Meshanko, Promotions manager April 5, 2019

From Feb. 19 to April 16, MCPS will not have any days off from school. This is the longest period with no days off in the entire year, beating the strait from Sept. 20 to Nov. 6 by more than two weeks....

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