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The School Newspaper of Winston Churchill High School.

The Observer

The School Newspaper of Winston Churchill High School.

The Observer

The School Newspaper of Winston Churchill High School.

The Observer

WCHS freshmen Xavier Reyman, Cooper Glazer and Malaki Kagwa interact while playing an online mobile game.

Scrolling back: The case for reducing teen screen time on social media

By Ryan Shenker, Assistant Sports Editor October 28, 2024

With 83 days before the deadline for Chinese-owned company ByteDance to sell the social media phenomenon TikTok or face a nationwide ban in the United States, millions of the platform’s users are growing...

Paws for Thoughts: a textbook dilemma

Paws for Thoughts: a textbook dilemma

By Cecilia Bernstein and Leah Kreisler October 28, 2024

C: Welcome to the first issue of the Cecilia-run Churchill Observer! All summer long I have missed writing articles and it is so good to be back! It is so weird to be a senior and a J4 but I look forward...

Metal detectors are a common practice at airports and no one thinks twice about them. If they are implemented to all schools, it will become a social norm as well.

The unseen benefits of metal detectors in school

By Lily Chadwick, Observations Editor October 28, 2024

MCPS’ school safety precautions are simply not enough. Identification lanyards, StudentVue checks at football games and locked doors are all measures that prevent non-students from entering school premises....

The Princeton University Library is just one of the state of the art buildings on the Princeton campus. Despite the stunning campuses of the Ivy Leagues, there are many downsides that come with attending these schools.

Observer Opinion: overrated Ivies?

By Rebecca Dean, Features Editor October 28, 2024

Although the term “Ivy League” was first conceived in 1937 to refer to the Northeastern football league, the phrase is now synonymous with academic excellence, prestige and exclusivity. Every year,...

Next year, nine popular AP exams will only be administered digitally. This raises many concerns for how the College Board servers will be able to maintain these exams, as they have encountered many technical issues before.

Observer Opinion: no to digital AP’s

By Rebecca Dean, Features Editor June 8, 2024

Picture this: an exhausted AP student is ready to take the exam and finally gets the chance to relax after a stressful month of studying. This time, their exam is online. They may get through the first...

Paws for Thoughts: new year, new EICs

Paws for Thoughts: new year, new EICs

By Cecilia Bernstein and Leah Kreisler June 8, 2024

L: AP season has come to a close, shorts are now a staple in everyone’s closet and you know what that means: It’s time for a new Observer staff! Amidst too many AP exams, Cecilia and I took on our...

Paws for Thoughts: Our Final Bow

Paws for Thoughts: Our Final Bow

By Jeremy Chung and Ha-Yeon Jeon June 7, 2024

H: The countdown has begun—only three more weeks of this futile power struggle for Observer leadership with Jeremy (“futile” as in I have repeatedly been named the unquestioned leader of our paper)....

One of the books in the English nine curriculum is William Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet", which features predominantly Christian characters.

Romeo, Romeo. Wherefore art thou religious diversity?

By Miriam Cutler, Staff Writer June 6, 2024

There is a saying: “books act as windows, mirrors and sliding glass doors.” At WCHS, the English curriculum includes books reflective of many different backgrounds, but it lacks one crucial form of...

Prince George's County Executive Angela Alsobrooks has been the face of efforts to reduce youth crime in her County since 2018. Following late April's teenage brawl at National Harbor, Alsobrooks has spoken out against the melee.

Fight for your right to party? Not in PG County

By Maximus Wang, Opinions Editor June 6, 2024

Eight year old children beating each other, stealing from local businesses and smoking marijuana seems like a scene out of a dystopian sci-fi novel. However, that became reality last month when about 800...

"The Idea of You" book by Robinne Lee has sparked popularity with it bringing awareness to relationships with a larger age gap than the typical norm. Therefore, the recent movie adaptation of this book further illustrates the theme of how there is no age gap restriction to love.

Unconventional romance movie sparks new ideas of love

By Isabel Vorabhanda, Opinions Editor May 23, 2024

A romantic, heartwarming and a little bit sappy comedy, starring a 40 year old mom and a boy band member. What happens when problems arise and a group of young teens are at risk of missing Coachella, the...

With AP testing, comes the changed complicated schedule that most WCHS students and staff dislike.

AP Scheduling leaves WCHS students stressed and proves to ineffective

By Cailey Harrington, Assistant Arts Editor May 20, 2024

With the week of Advance Placement (AP) testing on the horizon, stress is increasing for students and teachers. The testing weeks have an adjusted schedule due to morning and afternoon exams. As students...

WCHS sophomores Dahlia Suliman and Lily Meek sit and sulk, discussing about the TikTok rumors. They could not believe that the ban could take place in under 9 months.

TikTok ban leaves students very “ticked” off

By Anne Ma, Staff Writer May 17, 2024

The threat has been floating above Gen Z’s heads for a while now, just waiting to pounce. A little over a month ago on March 13, 2024, the House of Representatives initiated the first action--with an...

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