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The School Newspaper of Winston Churchill High School.

The Observer

The School Newspaper of Winston Churchill High School.

The Observer

The School Newspaper of Winston Churchill High School.

The Observer

Pre-College Costs Hinder Students

Pre-College Costs Hinder Students

By Observer Opinion March 29, 2017

College is an expensive investment into a student’s future. At CHS, most of students’ daily lives and choices revolve around earning amazing grades and outstanding test scores so they receive admittance...

Stress Undermines Enjoyment at School

By Bryan Fletcher, Art Director March 29, 2017

Between juggling class schedules, extracurricular activities and trying to sleep for eight hours, almost every student at CHS is trying their best to reduce the everyday stress that accompanies school. Unfortunately,...

Precaution Necessary for CHS Students Behind the Wheel

By Bryan Fletcher, Production Editor March 24, 2017

Getting a permit and learning to drive is something that almost every teenager anticipates excitedly, as it marks the beginning of adulthood and independence for many high school students. Unfortunately,...

Mol Gen Delivers Real World Science

By Eugenia Cardinale, Editor-in-Chief February 28, 2017

In December, The Observer published an article about how MCPS was considering a change in the science curriculum that would possibly cause cancellations of certain classes, including Molecular Genetics....

Many people participated in Random Acts of Kindness Day Feb. 17, however the holiday isn't as well known as others.

Random Acts of Kindness Day Deserves More Attention

By Drew Ingall, Social Media Editor February 22, 2017

On Feb. 17, the world celebrated random acts of kindness with a day set to bring awareness to the importance of doing kind things for others. Created 22 years ago in Colorado, this holiday is unknown...

Responsibility to Report All News

Responsibility to Report All News

February 21, 2017

As staff members of a hyperlocal student publication, some may wonder if we are sticking our heads where they don’t belong when we tackle national and political issues. There is not a clear consensus...

Standardized testing is causing students to miss out on other important aspects of their education.

Standardized Testing: It’s Just Material

By Sai Sreenivasan, Observations Editor January 25, 2017

Standardized testing. It’s a topic that has been discussed time and time again. However, most of the discussion has been on the impacts of the test and not the material itself. According to a recent...

Many students at CHS stop taking foreign language before the end of high school, however they are missing out on valuable knowledge and life skills.

Students Should Take Foreign Language All Four Years

By Bryan Fletcher, Production Editor January 23, 2017

Every CHS student goes through at least a year of foreign language classes, whether it be Spanish, French, American Sign Language (ASL), or something else, with some even continuing with these courses...

Trump has tentatively appointed Betsy DeVos for Secretary of Education.

Potential Appointee Poses Threat to Public School System

By Sofia Williamson, Opinions Editor January 12, 2017

The public school system has guaranteed educational opportunities to students since the mid 19th century. It has made equality of opportunity a strong possibility for all Americans. President-elect...

Time for Superintendent to go Back to School

By Maya Rosenberg and Rebecca Jackson January 12, 2017

Jack Smith: your average American name, or MCPS Superintendent? According to a poll of 29 CHS students, 100 percent wouldn’t be able to tell you the difference. Smith, who was appointed as interim...

Walkouts are Ineffective

Walkouts are Ineffective

By Nathan Deychman, Online Editor-in-Chief January 12, 2017

Students from high schools across MCPS have been taking to the streets since Election Day in protest of its results and the current state of our nation’s ideals. According to the MCPS Regulation Student...

Walkouts are Effective

Walkouts are Effective

By Dani Miller, Production Editor January 11, 2017

When election day rolls around every four years, high school students are put in a tragically unique situation. We are old enough to be directly affected by politics, yet we are too young to vote. While...

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