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The School Newspaper of Winston Churchill High School.

The Observer

The School Newspaper of Winston Churchill High School.

The Observer

The School Newspaper of Winston Churchill High School.

The Observer

A computer with someone posting a new status on Facebook, and the status says that everything that goes on the internet stays there.

Teenagers Should Take More Care to What They Post on the Web

By Julia Lescht, Public Relations Manager November 4, 2016

Photos of four Suffolk, VA high school students dressed up for spirit week have sparked controversy across the internet as the photos depict three police officers with a prisoner holding a “black lives...

By including hijabs worn by models in New York Fashion week, women and girls are beginning to feel represented in the fashion community.

Modeling of Hijabs in New York Fashion Week Shows Representation of All Cultures

By Laura Sneller, Public Relations Editor October 21, 2016

History was made during the New York Fashion Week, with Muslim designer Anniesa Hasibuan being the first to show her collection with hijabs in every outfit. This was a huge milestone in the fashion industry...

Many CHS seniors will have the opportunity to vote this year, and nothing should stop them from exercising their right.

No Vote? No Excuse.

By Jake Herman, Production Editor/Video Team October 21, 2016

The 2016 presidential election is rapidly approaching, and Americans will head to the polls and vote Nov. 8 to choose their next president. Any U.S. citizen who will be age 18 or older on Nov. 8 is eligible...

School Policies Irk CHS Students

School Policies Irk CHS Students

October 1, 2016

The start of school comes every year without fail. New classes, loads of homework and the numerous “con- tracts” students mindlessly sign on the first week of school in order to get out of...

Typing is a crucial skill to have for future job opportunities.

Typing Classes Should be Offered at CHS

By Balbina Yang, Arts Editor September 23, 2016

With the advent of the smartphone, we now carry mini computers in our pockets. But other than taking selfies and posting that “insta”, phones do not serve any purpose in learning how to type. In fact, since...

High Competition at CHS Is Detrimental to Student Growth

High Competition at CHS Is Detrimental to Student Growth

By , , and Sofia Williamson May 31, 2016

You go out for dinner with friends but finds it difficult to enjoy yourself. You spend the whole time nibbling at your food and trying to stay active in conversation,but your mind wanders. All you can...

A Challenging Environment is Good for CHS Students

A Challenging Environment is Good for CHS Students

By Sara Heimlich and Rebecca Jackson, Features Editor and Online Features Editor May 31, 2016

CHS was ranked number three on The Washington Post’s Most Challenging High Schools in the D.C. Area list, following Washington International, a private school, and Poolesville High School, located...

The Blame Game: Nobody Can Win

The Blame Game: Nobody Can Win

May 31, 2016

Two suicides in three months. This simple sentence cannot even begin to describe the pain and suffering felt by the entire CHS community. Why did this happen? What could have been done to prevent it? What...

Chromebooks have proven to be ineffective in measuring accurate results for standardized exams.

PARCC Proves A Waste of Time and Funding

By Ben Dross, Sports Editor May 27, 2016

A sophomore is in their homeroom class, staring aimlessly at the clock as the second hand makes its way around. Tick-tock, tick-tock: he wonders why he’s wasting time there in the first place. If...

SOS Field Day will take place on May 14 to promote peace and unity among CHS students.

Student Participation in Sources of Strength Field Day Should be Encouraged

By Sai Sreenivasan, Observations Editor May 13, 2016

CHS has had a difficult year. With two suicides, CHS is in need of some bonding, and the SOS Field Day is the way to accomplish that. When the CHS community was in need, the sophomore class held the...

Government Unlocking of Devices Keeps Us Safe

Government Unlocking of Devices Keeps Us Safe

By Eliza Asbury, Business Manager May 10, 2016

The FBI found a third party to un- lock an encrypted iPhone which belonged to a suspect of the San Bernardino terrorist attack, without the help of Apple. The FBI should have the right to open...

Apple was Right to Refuse Government Searches on Devices

Apple was Right to Refuse Government Searches on Devices

By Jake Herman, Video and Public Relations Editor May 6, 2016

Investigating terrorists, such as the San Bernardino shooters, is essential for the FBI and other federal agencies to strengthen national security, but just how far is too far when the privacy of citizens...

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