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The School Newspaper of Winston Churchill High School.

The Observer

The School Newspaper of Winston Churchill High School.

The Observer

The School Newspaper of Winston Churchill High School.

The Observer

Many WCHS students start their days by checking their phones, opening social media, and scrolling through to see if they missed anything eventful while they were sleeping.

Teens posting politics on social media should be careful

By Lily Chadwick, As. Sports Editor, Photo Manager November 17, 2023

View, heart, repost. Three seemingly harmless actions that millions of Americans perform daily. With many current events crowding news outlets, from the Israel-Hamas war to the Russia-Ukraine war, students...

WCHS senior Lyndee Sklute dresses up as a vampire for Halloween on the night of Oct. 31.

Halloween Costumes: The Lack of Uniqueness Over The Years

By Clara Young, Copy Editor November 13, 2023

Halloween. A night meant to be filled with gut-wrenching horrors and blood-curdling screams. However, what is seen is the complete opposite. People used to wear terrifying costumes to ward off ghosts in...

Paws for Thoughts: Bring back class rankings!

Paws for Thoughts: Bring back class rankings!

By Ha-Yeon Jeon, Editor-in-Chief November 13, 2023

To the disillusioned directors of Hollywood, here’s a reality TV show plot just waiting to be born at WCHS: announce on the first day of junior year that 1) class rankings have been reinstated and 2)...

In the Emergency Preparedness information on the official MCPS website, a playlist of videos about the topic is shown. Yes, it is on their website, but resources like these need to have more exposure to students, staff, and parents.

MCPS must do more to keep their students safe

By Amir-Abbas Yazdi, Opinions Editor October 27, 2023

In the face of a world fraught with unforeseen challenges, the safety of our students should be non-negotiable. However, it is disheartening to observe that students and schools within MCPS often fail...

The bin for students to turn in their SSL forms is located in the counseling office. All students must submit the form to get credit and reach the 75 hour requirement.

Should SSL hours be required to graduate?

By Nataly Behnia, Social Media Manager October 26, 2023

Student Service Learning, or SSL, is a valuable way for students to give back to their communities and learn important life skills. MCPS required 75 SSL hours for each student in order to graduate. The...

On October 4th, this alarm was shown to anyone with a cellphone that was not turned off at around 2:00 EST. It has stirred a lot of controversy towards the government's antics.

The importance of national security tests

By Nate Levine, Social Media Manager October 23, 2023

During the school day, WCHS classes were interrupted by one of the most controversial alerts in recent history. On October 4th, 2023, a national security alert test went off at approximately 2:20 Eastern...

Paws for Thoughts: senior year

Paws for Thoughts: senior year

By Jeremy Chung, Editor-in-Chief October 23, 2023

Damn. For the first time ever, I am committing a cardinal sin when writing an article: using the word “I” and saying the “D’ word. It’s tradition for a graduating Observer writer to write in...

Faceoff: It’s time for a change: let’s go back to DAR

By Ananya Pandit, Arts Editor October 23, 2023

Tearful glances and hushed murmurs radiate through the hall. Tassels swing from caps as students’ heads swivel to spot a familiar face in the crowd. The air is hung with nostalgia and the somber sense...

The College and Career Information Center is a great place for students who need help with the college application process.

College counselors are not worth it

By Nate Levine, Social Media Manager October 18, 2023

Picture this: an average student gets their essay written for them, and it is so good that the student gets into colleges that they never would have gotten into by themselves. Realistically, all a student...

WCHS administration, security and students take in the aftermath of an incident in which one student jokingly slammed a cake into another student's face.

Trash Talk: student responsibility at lunch

By Maximus Wang, Promotions & Subscriptions Managers October 18, 2023

The bulldog statue near the media center had to witness a terrible sight during lunch on Sept. 8, as a “fight” broke out right next to him, leaving icing on the floor and cake in a student’s face....

On the official College Board, as seen above, information on the new Digital SAT can be found. Although SAT test centers in the U.S. still administer the traditional paper test, that will change in the spring of 2024.

Observer Opinion: The digital SAT is inferior

By Amir-Abbas Yazdi, Opinions Editor October 18, 2023

For the last century, the College Board has administered the SAT on paper. But, in recent years, the College Board has begun to digitize the exam. All students outside the U.S. have been exclusively taking...

The football field is an expansive and gorgeous space for all types of events and gatherings, including graduation. It has been the source of long-lasting memories and camaraderie amongst students.

Faceoff: Stick with what works: the grass field

By George Chang, Features Editor October 18, 2023

As a joyous occasion with caps in the air and heartwarming commencement speeches, the thought of graduation is on the back burner for many WCHS seniors, whose priorities currently lie in finishing their...

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