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The School Newspaper of Winston Churchill High School.

The Observer

The School Newspaper of Winston Churchill High School.

The Observer

The School Newspaper of Winston Churchill High School.

The Observer

From social media advertisements to word of mouth, finding a job can be a simple and straightforward process. The experience can improve one’s maturity and communication skills, in order to gain comfortability in future work environments.

Jobs give high school students more than just an income

By Julia Levi, Assistant Observations Editor March 26, 2023

There is no doubt that students at WCHS remain busy both in and out of school. However, what can truly distinguish one student from another is how they spend their time after school. From playing on sports...

With Valentine's Day comes ingenuine gifts, disappointments, and loneliness. The unrealistic balloon of love it claims to be is quickly popped with the realization of its materialistic qualities and stress-induction.

Valentine’s Day is now a mockery of true love

By Clara Young, Assistant News Editor March 26, 2023

Boxes of chocolate, crimson roses and sparkling jewelry disappear from the shelves as anxiety-ridden lovers scurry to purchase all they can afford for their significant other. Eyerolls fill the masses...

Currently, 49/50 states have approved Seals of Biliteracy, with the final one on the way. Getting this award is highly beneficial for students in the future.

Requirements should change to promote biliteracy

By Ryan Weiner, Editor-in-Chief March 26, 2023

Welcome to the start of this article on why world language classes should be required for all four years of high school. Bienvenido al comienzo de este artículo sobre por qué las clases de idiomas extranjeros...

Cabin John Middle School and Herbert Hoover Middle School face off in a basketball game hosted by WCHS. There was a large turnout and really proved the intrest in middle school athletics.

Observer Opinion: Are 8th grade athletes ethical?

By Michael Demske, Sports Editor March 26, 2023

Friday night lights are the dream of many young football players as they anxiously await their freshman year of high school. Promising middle school baseball players are good enough, but can only watch...

A teen drug setup displays many sources of marijuana that have a chance of being laced with fentanyl. Marijuana use can lead to major long term effects including lung cancer, heart issues and reduced cognition.

Mary Jane is one friend no student should have

By Jack Gans, Social Media Manager March 24, 2023

Teenage years are the main time for young people to explore and make mistakes along the way. However, one of those mistakes should not be smoking marijuana. Marjuana is a huge issue globally for teens...

In order to obtain their license, students drivers are required to complete six hours of in-car driving instruction using driving school-provided cars.

Observer Opinion: Driver’s Ed must be accessible

By Kalena Yee, Arts Editor March 24, 2023

Beep beep! Getting a driver’s license is arguably one of the most defining moments in a high schooler’s life. Although it may seem like just a plastic card to some, a driver’s license gives students...

Theodor Suess Giesel, also known as Dr. Suess, is shown next to his two books, "And To Think That I Saw It On Mulberry Street" and "If I Ran The Zoo." Both well-known books have been included on an updated list of six banned Dr. Suess books, deemed too offensive for publications.

Dr. Suess must be reframed for his previous racist work

By Amir-Abbas Yazdi and Graeme Finley March 24, 2023

March 2nd marks the birthday of one of the most well-known and influential authors of all time: Theodor Seuss Geisel, better known as Dr. Seuss. Throughout the early to mid 1900s, Dr. Seuss created some...

There are numerous ways of listening to and exploring indie music, whether it be through earbuds or streaming services. For example, Spotify is a great vehicle to get personalized music recommendations for every genre.

Has indie gone past the point of no return?

By George Chang, Arts Editor March 24, 2023

January 26th, 2010, from Paste Magazine: “Is Indie Dead?” January 16th, 2012, from The Guardian: "Indie rock's slow and painful death." October 25th, 2017, from Vox: "The life and death of the indie-rock...

Chopt and Boulangerie Christophe are two new stores in the Cabin John shopping center, but the shopping center is still not all that is needed.

Cabin John Shopping Center has improved, but is not everything students want it to be

By Nate Levine, Promotions Manager March 21, 2023

The frustrating reality is that Cabin John Village simply isn’t good enough for most WCHS students. Something needs to be done. For many students at WCHS, Cabin John Village is the go-to destination...

Ben Affleck is seen pretending to be a Dunkin’ Donuts employee in the 2023 Dunkin’ Donuts Super Bowl commercial.

Are Superbowl ads worth the expense?

By Kendyl Groisser, Assistant Online Editor March 13, 2023

Nearly 100 million people sit down to watch the biggest American football game in the US. Most watch for the game or the halftime show, but some watch for the intriguing commercials. These commercials...

While many students’ families compost at home, both the environment and economy would benefit from school wide composting.

Composting efforts should be used to improve MCPS’s footprint

By Leah Kreisler, Online Photo Mangager March 11, 2023

Every year, approximately 268 million tons of waste are produced in the United States alone. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), this means every American produces roughly 4.4...

This past February, the Educational Policy Department of the Montgomery County Regional Student Government Association (MCR-SGA) held a community forum to discuss mental health resources in MCPS. Many students brought up the gaps that they saw and why they thought improvements were necessary.

MCPS’ wellness resources: a good effort but ineffective

By Ha-Yeon Jeon, Features Editor March 2, 2023

A, B, C: Advisory classes, Be Well 365 and counselor lessons on restorative justice, mindfulness and more. MCPS boasts a plethora of programs for its K-12 students that aim to address the gaps in social...

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