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The School Newspaper of Winston Churchill High School.

The Observer

The School Newspaper of Winston Churchill High School.

The Observer

The School Newspaper of Winston Churchill High School.

The Observer

First Lady Michelle Obama gives a speech and answers students questions at "The Musical Legacy of Ray Charles."

Students visited the White House to celebrate the music of Ray Charles

By Arielle Gordon, Arts Editor February 29, 2016

25 CHS students visited The White House Feb. 24 to attend “The Musical Legacy of Ray Charles.” All CHS U.S. History students created posters about an influential African American figure and the...

Alum Earns Perfect AP Score

Alum Earns Perfect AP Score

By Arielle Gordon, Arts Editor February 29, 2016

CHS alumnus Neil Luo, who graduated in 2015, was one of 54 students worldwide to achieve a perfect score on the 2015 AP Microeconomics exam. Luo, who now attends Duke University, received the maximum...

CHS Annual Mulch Sale

By Lauren Roseman, Business Manager February 27, 2016

The annual CHS Mulch Sale fundraiser is currently underway to benefit the junior and senior classes. The mulch costs $5.75 per bag and is being sold online from Feb. 15 to Mar. 24 (,...

Jack Smith will become the new superintendent July 1.

MCPS Search for New Superintendent Comes to a Close

By Eugenia Cardinale, Observations Editor February 25, 2016

MCPS’ search for a new superintendent is over. The Board of Education (BOE) Feb. 4 conditionally appointed Dr. Jack Smith as the next superintendent effective July 1. Smith is currently the interim...

Security guard Craig Stewart was selected as this year's SEIU 2016 Supporting Services Employee of the Year.

CHS Security Guard ‘Stu’ Wins Service Award

By Isabel Dibble, News Editor February 25, 2016

CHS security guard Craig Stewart, best known as “Stu,” has been chosen as the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) 2016 Supporting Services Employee of the Year. The SEIU and the Montgomery...

Student holds Talk

Student holds Talk

By Sai Sreenivasan, Circulation Manager December 15, 2015

Teen author Joddie Zeng shared her tips on writing and self-publishing a novel Dec. 11. Zeng began writing her book at the end of 2013 and took 17 months to make it the best possible product. She would...

Current College athletes (Daniel Dibono, David Fitzgerald and Kali Becker) signed their binding commitments to play in college.

Early High School Recruiting: Not as Effective

By Cristian Edwards and Nathan Gertler October 29, 2015

For most high school athletes aspiring to further their athletic experience, the next step is to play in college. However, the cruel realities of college recruiting serve as a daunting process for students. Each...

Senior Brittney Burwell logs into her Common Application account.

New program to replace Common Application

By Madison Hurr, Features Editor October 29, 2015

Come next summer, there will be another option for applying to college to rival the Common Application, an organization that has been used by college applicants for 40 years to apply to over 600 institutions...

Alumna Elected First Muslim J Street U President

Alumna Elected First Muslim J Street U President

By Fiona Asbury and Michael Fox October 29, 2015

Former Observer Editor-in-Chief and 2012 alumna Amna Farooqi was elected in August to serve as President of the national J Street U organization this year. What is so unique about Farooqi’s involvement...

New NHHS Inductees

New NHHS Inductees

By Sai Sreenivasan, Circulation Manager October 28, 2015

Congratulations to all new members inducted into the National History Honor Society: Chung, Alexander Alpert, Daniel Ashe, Hannah Atkinson, Thomas Avellan, Domenica Babu, Harini Ballman, Madison Bandak,...

New EHS Inductees

New EHS Inductees

By Michael Fox, Editor-In-Chief October 28, 2015

Congratulations to all of the newly inducted members of the English Honor Society: Govind Anand Gwenyth Asbury Hannah Ashe Tiffany Cao Emiliana Cardinale Jennifer Chen Ig-Jun Cho Loraine Chow Rebecca...

Juniors show off their Captain America float before the football game

Work pays off for Homecoming Floats

By Sofia Williamson, Fact Checker October 12, 2015

Every year at the CHS homecoming pep rally, students gather to watch the parade of fantastic floats. But few students know of the hard work that really went on behind the scenes to create the final products....

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