A girl wants to be asked by a certain boy to homecoming, so she makes a to do list to plan out how she is going to get him to ask. Step One: Try to make him notice you. Step Two: Get your friends to talk to him about you. Step Three: Make “subtle” hints about him asking you. Step Four: Just do it yourself.
This DIY approach to dating may seem radical to some girls and guys out there, but believe it or not, it is becoming more common and acceptable. If a girl wants a guy to ask her out that badly, she can just suck it up and ask him herself.
“Boys have to take the initiative to ask girls out,” junior Molly Shutt said. “But girls have no control if they want someone to ask them. It’s like a double-edged sword.”
Instead of waiting around to be noticed, some girls are choosing to make the first move, and ask the guy whom they like out themselves.
“[My ex-girlfriend] asked me out and I said no because I had only known her for a week,” senior Daniel Duffin said. “Then the next week I asked her out, and she said yes.”
While some would say it is awkward for the girl to ask the guy out, others argue that it is not awkward because she is being straight-forward.
“It’s more interesting [when a girl asks a guy out],” Duffin said. “It makes feelings between [the two people] more clear.”
Some people, however, do not think teenage society has made such leaps and bounds to the point where girls are freely taking the initiative to get what—and who—they want.
“I’ve never heard of a girl asking a guy out before,” sophomore Louis Rothstein said. “Can I imagine it? No. But it wouldn’t bother me, it [just might] be weird.”
Traditionally, girls are raised to learn how to say no gracefully or to say yes just to be polite, but if girls are doing the asking, the guys will be left scrambling to catch up on years of education in how to let someone down nicely.
“It would be awkward if a girl asked a guy out because guys don’t worry about rejecting people but girls can have a bunch of denial lines already prepared,” senior Joe Klein said.
Even without the unpreparedness that guys have when it comes to saying no, there are numerous obstacles that a girl must overcome before she can take the plunge and make a move.
“I would never consider [asking a guy out] because I wouldn’t want to get rejected,” Shutt said. “Any girl is brave if she can ask [a guy out]. I’d never do it, but kudos to them.”