Every year right before school starts students make a goal for themselves that may or may not have the potential to carry out through the school year. Some students make goals to get straight A’s, some simply make it to try their hardest.
Whatever a student’s goal for the year may be, there are certain things he or she can do to be prepared and actively achieve the goal.
“My main goal for the year is usually to get straight A’s and nothing less,” senior Brian Green said. “I study hard every night and do all of my homework.”
Many students strive to get straight A’s because this is the best possible combination of grades, and seeing a 4.0 GPA on a report card is quite an accomplishment.
“[I get good grades] mostly by paying attention in class,” junior Genny Austin said. “I don’t really study that much.”
For some students, this approach might work. But for others, discipline and studying are in order and the payoff will be evident on their report card.
“[I have to] sacrifice my social life for school,” Green said. “I want to go to a good college.”
There are many reasons students may want to get good grades and succeed in school. Some of them may include getting into a good college or even the feeling of self-accomplishment.
“College is part of [the reason I try hard],” Austin said. “I have high standards for myself and work very hard.”
There are ways students can maintain, keep up with, and achieve their goals.
“[Students should] write down their assignments so they are clear and the student knows what to do,” English teacher Linda Smith said. “Clarity is also necessary [to succeed].”
Students should also set aside a good amount of time every night to get their homework done efficiently. Rushing through homework will prevent the student from being successful in the long run on things such as quizzes and tests.
Whether it is the first day of school or the last day of the quarter, students should try their best and make a plan that is achievable, and work throughout the year.