CHS Student becomes Director of International club
Featured: Director of the International Junior Civitans club, Eowyn Pak.
October 30, 2016
Being the director of a club full of CHS students may be a lot of work, but this senior is the director of an international club.
Senior Eowyn Pak is one of three international directors of the Junior Civitans club.
The Junior Civitans club provides services to the less fortunate. They donate food, toys, books, and holiday cards. They also raise awareness for mental health, suicide, and alcohol and substance abuse.
Pak joined the Junior Civitans club three years ago and held the positions of treasurer, governor and president. Then, over the summer, Pak was named one of three international directors of the club.
According to Club Sponsor Jennifer Czaplicki, Pak is one of the reasons why CHS is part of the Junior Civitans honors club.
In order to be an honors club you must fulfill certain requirements, such as working a certain amount of hours, completing a certain number of projects, and raising a certain amount of money.
“One of Junior Civitans’ main focuses is to raise money for the UAB Civitan International Research Center- an Institution that conducts interdisciplinary research to treat and analyze numerous developmental disorders,” Pak said.
The CHS Junior Civitans club received international recognition for helping raise awareness for certain diseases like Multiple Sclerosis and Autism. One of Pak’s personal goals is to raise $3,000 to donate to the facility.
“As international director, it is my responsibility to oversee the activities of clubs all around the world,” Pak said.
Thanks to all of Pak’s hard work and dedication, CHS is hosting the Chesapeake District Junior Civitan meeting this Saturday, Oct. 29th.