Positive Friend Groups Boost WCHS Experience
Omar poses with the rest of the track team after their meet against other schools in MCPS.
April 8, 2019
High school is a time for students to build memorable relationships with new friends while cherishing every moment before leaving for college. However, there can be tension or negative energy within a group of friends that can fracture the bonds between each member.
On the other hand, a strong, positive relationship can be full of excitement, as senior Omar Aly has experienced being in a large group of friends.
“I think what is necessary for having a positive environment in a group is for people to learn to know each other and understand everyone’s background and point of view,” Aly said. “Everyone has to find something in common to relate and create a connection.”
In a large group of friends, one might ponder who they should interact with and spend most of their time with after school and on the weekends. It can be difficult to find friends who are attentive and supportive in a big group. However, if you adhere to your own values, you can find someone who will help build a secure, humble friendship.
“Who I consider to be good friends are those that support me and help me when I am are in need,” Aly said. “It is someone who I can create a support system for when a problem arises and I have someone who I am comfortable with to talk to and express my feelings.”
Once one establishes a bond within a group of friends, they are faced with maintaining the friendship and staying all together as students who have something in common and an understanding each other’s interests and enjoying each other’s company.
“The factors that keep us together as friends are that we share common interests such as track and having a good time,” Aly said. “We can get a lot of stress off from school, and we can be ourselves around each other without being worried about judgement.”
It can be an uplifting experience knowing that one has friends they can depend on for having a fun time together, but also that they can get support from when times get tough. However, from time to time, friction and tension can come along that may break the friendships.
“If there is something bothering us in the group or if there is tension between my friends in the group, it is best to step back and look at the situation from a different perspective,” Aly said. “I would tell them how I’m feeling and make sure they understand my point of view.”
Steering clear of these frustrations and tensions is what Aly has done in order to have a good group of friends that he can go out with and relax to have a good time.
“The people you interact with can have an impact on your well-being and personality,” Aly said. “My friend’s values should not be a distraction that hinders my own values, and I want to ensure that they are not taking advantage of me.”
Senior Simon Wang finds that in order to have a positive environment amongst a group, each member should have open communication.
“If everyone is comfortable enough to be honest and vulnerable to each other then everyone can help one another and make each other better,” Wang said.
A large group of friends can provide an opportunity for one to avoid facing challenges alone while adhering to similar interests and motivations.
“Having people people I can count on makes my life more enjoyable and positive,” Wang said. “What keeps us together is our similar interests such as academics, food, and video games.”
Wang warns students that while being in a large friend group can provide a supportive and helpful environment, there are certain people students should avoid. Students should consider their true motivations and values for becoming friends with someone.
“I do not become friends with someone just because of their status, their popularity, or to achieve some agenda,” Wang said. “Do not try to force being friends with people you don’t work well with in and outside of school.”
In his own big group, Wang observes that each of them benefit from each other differently, and each friend provides something to the group that can be helpful to the other members.
“I receive motivation for academics and help with personal issues,” Wang said. “I can have fun with my friends, engaging in exciting conversations, and making fun memories.”