Top ten events to look forward to in 2021
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The number of travelers that went through TSA checkpoints went from well over 2 million per week pre-pandemic, to just over 500,000 per week. This was due to many canceling their travel plans because of COVID-19 concerns.
February 17, 2021
By all measures, 2020 was a pretty horrendous year. From COVID-19, to mass hoarding, to Murder hornets to a global shutdown that left the world in standstill . With all that in mind, 2021 is shaping up to be jam-packed with new movies releases, tech advancements and overall improvements to life after the hopeful end of the COVID-19 pandemic. Here are the top 10 events to look forward to in 2021.
10) The return of entertainment
While 2020 was no slouch when it came to the release of new entertainment, it did not come near to what its original expectations were. With massive delays to filming and releases, 2021 looks to be jam-packed with new entertainment. From Marvel’s Black Widow, and F9 slatted for March releases to summer and autumn packed full of blockbusters, like Space Jam 2, Top Gun Maverick, A Quiet Place II, Shang Chi Legend of the 10 rings and many more, you will want to get your popcorn ready!
9) In-person sporting events
Nothing beats sitting down on a beautiful summer day with a hotdog and getting ready to watch a good game of baseball. For almost half of 2020, there were no live sporting events, and even when they did start to return in late July almost no fans were allowed. This left games feeling empty without the roar of a crowd. However, recently Dr. Anthony Faccui said that with proper precautions fans could be back in the stands by the summer or fall just in time for the NFL and College Football.
8) Eating out safely
Although you may have done some eating out this year, it is still far from a normal dining experience, varying from limited menus to shortened hours, the death of buffets, and many fan-favorite restaurants limiting seating. While throughout last year many restaurants’ take-out and outdoor dining plans improved, the dinner experience and quality of the food just did not feel the same.
7) The Tokyo Olympics
Even though the Tokyo Olympics could not happen in 2020 as planned, they are set to run from Jul. 23 to Aug. 8 barring any major changes. The games are always a spectacle to watch and will finally become a part of our lives again. These games will be especially unifying and important considering they come after some very turbulent times. However, recently some rumblings were going around that Tokyo might cancel the games due to COVID-19 safety concerns.
6) Traveling safely
The travel industry was one of the sectors worst hit by COVID-19 in 2020 the number of travelers that went through TSA checkpoints went from well over 2 million per week pre-pandemic to just over 500,000 per week according to USA Today. While you could technically still travel in 2020, you could not go far as many countries and states implemented travel bans and quarantine requirements to slow the spread of COVID-19. These bans derailed many spring break, summer vacation and Winter break. If 2021 does eventually turn into the year we are hoping for, that vacation with your friends or family may happen without the fear of getting sick.
5) Scientific and tech advancements
2021 looks to be a massive year for scientific and technological advancements: NASA’s hope to land on Mars, the development of 6G, drone delivery to advancements in artificial intelligence. This does not even include massive events like the cicada super brood, the total lunar eclipse in may and even Tom Cruise going to space.
4) The widespread return to in-person learning and working
Working from home may have sounded fun at first, but on month 10, everyone is most likely tired of it. The global shutdown and quarantine have done a toll on people mentally and physically. People who dreaded going to school or work suddenly longed for it.
3) Not having to deal with politics every Day/ new COVID-19 information
With the presidential election and inauguration, all things of the past and the US’s political climate looks to cool down a little bit. Politics in 2020 were a whole different level, with another wild headline every day. This can also be attributed to COVID-19 news; every other day there was another terrifying eye-popping statistic. With the hopeful decline, these are two things we can hopefully leave behind in 2020.
2) COVID-19 vaccine roll-out
Though it may not feel like it now, there could be an end to the COVID-19 pandemic in 2021. While no one knows when it will be over, the release of the Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines are heading in the right direction. However, experts say we may not see the return to “normal” until the back half of the year. Every step in the right direction even if small is an improvement.
1) Being able to see people again.
Up until March 2020, we all took for granted how special it was to see friends or even strangers, and now many have gone 10 months without doing so. Humans are social creatures by nature, and being stripped of the ability to simply see and interact with other people was tough for everyone. In 2021 the ability to be able to hug, high five and overall interact with others in person will be cherished by almost everyone.