Graphic by Cecilia Bernstein
Buying a car, filing a lawsuit, getting a tattoo and entering the lottery. All of the above include the exciting new experiences one is able to take on upon turning 18. In November of 2024, WCHS seniors will have the opportunity to be the youngest partakers in their newest legal right: voting. Now with a voice to create positive change, eligible WCHS seniors will get to have a say in the 2024 presidential election.
The first step to voting is registering to vote. WCHS seniors can register online through vote.gov, where they can find straightforward information on registering online, by mail or in person.
“I am currently registered to vote,” WCHS senior Marleigh Kass said. “I registered in February of 2023, and I did it at the MVA when I got my driver’s license. All I had to do was tell them I wanted to register and choose my party affiliation.”
With numerous registration methods at students’ fingertips, voting registration for WCHS students can be easy and quick. However, that is not the reason behind the national epidemic of voter apathy; instead, many young voters are disillusioned with the election process and civic participation as a whole.
“I think a lot of youth voters don’t vote because they have the mentality that one vote won’t make a difference,” Kass said. “Yet, when many people adopt this mindset, it does make a difference, which is why those that can vote should.”
According to a report by the University of Cambridge, there is a common declining dissatisfaction with democracy among 18-34 year olds in nearly every global region. Now more than ever, newest eligible voters can counteract this idea and act upon their political concerns by taking advantage of their right to vote.
“The process was very easy, as I just had to answer a few questions,” WCHS senior Elise Huang said. “I think it is important for WCHS seniors to be voting in this election, as it is important that young people get a say in this country.”
For this upcoming election especially, the media will play a key role in the electoral process. With a constant stream of news, both real and fake, social media will act to persuade and divide people on candidates and the political issues at hand.
“Social media will definitely be a big factor in this upcoming election,” Huang said. “With its ability to communicate ideas and information quickly, voters are able to receive more information about the elections, the candidates and political issues. However, social media also has the power to spread misinformation, which also could impact the election.”
While consuming and involving oneself in the media before an election can seem like a slippery slope, it can also empower today’s youngest voters. Social media can be viewed as both an advantage and a disadvantage to the electoral process, as long as information is absorbed by viewers with caution.
“I think social media definitely impacts the candidates people choose and the way the election is viewed by the public,” Kass said. “I am unsure if social media will have an effect on voter turnout, but I think trying to get more people to act on their political beliefs through social media is not a bad idea.”
Empowering the youngest voters in the 2024 presidential election is a very important step towards shaping a more inclusive democracy. By casting their ballots, WCHS seniors will be able to impact real change and truly own their civic responsibility.
“I am both nervous and excited, since the right to vote is a big responsibility,” Huang said. “We are the future of the US, and we need to be making decisions that can make our lives better now and in the future.”