Many teachers at WCHS just so happen to look like a lot of the Hollywood celebrities we love. Ms. Tebay looks like Emily Blunt; Mr. Clark looks like Colton Cowser; Ms. Kenny looks like Sandra Bullock; Mr. Imperial looks like Paul Reubens; Dr. Beggs looks like Zoe Deschanel; and Mr. Ho looks like Jackie Chan.
Have you ever done a double-take while walking through the school hallways, thinking you just saw a celebrity but it turns out it was just one of your teachers? Many teachers at WCHS happen to have an uncanny resemblance to many Hollywood celebrities. Whether it is their eyes, smile or personality, you may spot your favorite teacher on the big screen, or at least, in your next class!
Ms. Jillian Tebay (Art Department): Emily Blunt
Mr. Bryan Clark (History Department): Colton Cowser
Ms. Emmalee Kenny (Athletic Department): Sandra Bullock
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Mr. Eric Imperial (Social Studies Department): Paul Reubens
Dr. Anne Beggs (English Department): Zooey Deschane
Mr. Hsinyu Ho (Math Department): Jackie Chan