Sibling Bonds Grow Despite Inevitable Change
LeAnh Duckett rides on the back of her brother, Tim Duckett on a foggy day during a trip. The WCHS freshman will miss her brother when he leaves for college soon.
April 8, 2019
Older siblings may consider their younger siblings annoying, immature and even embarrassing. Likewise, younger siblings often consider their older siblings to be bossy and mean. Eventually, however, the older sibling will go off to college, leaving an absence that the younger child is not used to. As the saying goes, absence makes the heart grow fonder, and college departures can be used as an avenue for siblings to become closer to one another.
Even though freshman LeAnh Duckett and her brother, senior Tim Duckett, do not have any specific activity that they do together, they do talk with one another about school and instrumental music, which has brought them closer together.
“Tim has a personality that makes it impossible to not get along with him,” LeAnh said. “Currently there isn’t a specific recurring activity that we do together, but we do talk quite often when we spend time together.”
When Tim leaves college this fall, LeAnh has no doubt that she’s going to miss him. The main aspect that she will miss is Tim’s sense of humor and the joy that he brings into a conversation.
“Tim always has some sort of witty comment ready for any situation, so I’ll definitely miss that aspect of his personality,” LeAnh said. “I am happy, however, that he is moving on to the next chapter of his life.”
Tim is a role model to LeAnh, as Tim’s personality is an important feature that she aspires to follow. Both of them enjoy the company of one another as a way to lift each other when one of them has a problem.
“Tim is a very easygoing, has a great memory and he’s just overall great person,” LeAnh said. “In general, I’ll miss having someone to talk to when he leaves for college.”
Younger siblings usually experience drastic changes in the house when their older sibling leaves for college. Talking about these changes and how to handle them are a common way to address concern and anxiety when the changes come. However, for LeAnh and Tim, there is still time to enjoy the company of one another and create memories.
“Tim and I haven’t really gotten to addressing the fact that he’s leaving for college next year, so currently, nothing is planned to change,” LeAnh said. “We don’t have any definite plans for this summer yet, but I’m hoping it will be an exciting and memorable trip.”
Sophomore Noah Kandel and his brother, senior Max Kandel, have an exciting trip planned for this summer before Max heads off to college. Noah enjoys the company of Max as someone to talk to when a problem arises.
“This summer, we are traveling to Israel as a final trip before Max heads off to college,” Noah said. “I’m going to miss Max’s company, and since we’re close in age, we can discuss lacrosse and school.”
As Max leaves soon, Noah anticipates that his parents will shift their attention away from Max. As a result, Noah will be expected to do more chores at home. However, he is handling this well and is looking to take advantage to get something in return.
“My parents will make me do more chores which can be annoying,” Noah said. “I’m definitely going to miss Max, but hopefully I’ll get his room.”
Max and Noah have gotten even closer since both of them play lacrosse. However, as Max leaves the house, the bond between them will be divided. Despite this gap, Noah still looks up to Max as a role model.
“I look up to Max as someone who is hardworking and receives good grades, and I aspire to be like him and follow in his footsteps,” Noah said. “I’m happy for Max as he goes to college. However, I’m going to miss him too.”