Say goodbye to computers and hello to pencils
Students must now make the change from technology to traditional paper due to a new WCHS policy.
May 15, 2023
Three years ago the COVID-19 pandemic struck the world and WCHS, sending students home for an “extended” spring break. Now, three years later, WCHS has been hit with a new pandemic: technology. If you walk into almost any class at WCHS, you are met with a sea of laptops staring back at you. With the rise of technology use and the growth of online learning and assignments over the pandemic, students and teachers alike became reliant on their beloved technological devices to assist them in their learning.
Earlier this year, WCHS instated the PMD policy, outlawing the use of cellphones in classrooms. However, they recently decided to take it a step further, now instituting a ban on all laptops and technological devices. This policy came as a shock to the WCHS community when it was recently announced during PRIDE. Teachers were instructed to discuss the presentation sent out by WCHS administration outlining the new policy for students to follow starting the next week.
According to the presentation, administrators believe “the transition away from using technology in classrooms may be challenging at first, but it will hopefully improve the educational experience for students at WCHS over time.”
Students have had mixed feelings about the new policy, as some feel as though banning technology is counterproductive, while others see the reasoning behind going old school.
“I was shocked when I heard about the new policy,” senior Jansyn Levin said. “I think using our computers in classes offers so many more resources for both students and teachers when it comes to learning opportunities. I also think the administration is not adequately preparing us for college and the real world, since we will be able to use technology once we graduate from WCHS.”
While it is true that banning technology may not be practical, the administration has strong reasoning for their new policy. The goals of eliminating technology at WCHS are limiting cheating on both assignments and tests, improving students’ handwriting to prepare them for written AP exams and reducing students’ screen time to benefit their mental health.
“I think the policy has really good intentions,” senior Noa Assouline said. “I understand where the administration is coming from and appreciate that they took the time to assess the shortcomings of WCHS students and make improvements to try to improve the school and our experience as students. A lot of people are going to complain about the policy, but I think they will be happy with the results in the end.”
At the end of the presentation shown to students there was a slide alerting students about other possible changes that may be made for the next school year depending on student, staff and parent support. Some of the ideas presented included using abacuses for math classes, analyzing ancient scrolls in history and studying older scientific theories and practices.
“When I saw the other suggestions at the end of the presentation I was shocked,” senior Dillan George said. “I can understand the reasoning behind eliminating technology and returning to paper methods, but I think the idea of returning to other older education methods is ridiculous and impractical.”
While it is unclear what the future will hold for WCHS, it is clear that the administration is looking to turn back the clock and return to old school methods.