Need Money? WCHS might have you covered…
There are five hidden dollar bills in this photo alone! One of them is a real spot for a dollar bill… Take that extra hint and go make some money!
May 20, 2023
Check under the desks! Check inside the lockers! Check on the side of vending machines! The Churchill Observer has hidden 10 $100 bills throughout the school for all students to find! After inheriting a large sum of money from alumni, the paper has decided to give back to its loyal subscribers, the students, by spreading the wealth across the school.
The 10 bills were recently spread across the school by Observer staff on March 29, and it has been confirmed that none have been found as of this publication. Below is a list of hints as to where one can find each of the ten bills.
Bill One:
Students enter my home every day after climbing the stairs, but they need a hall pass to take on this chore. I am a lonely little bill and want to be found, but nobody goes near old 264.
Bill Two:
Basketball games, gym class and rowdy spectators call me home. They cheer on the Bulldogs each night when they roam. But, search in here cautiously to find me if you dare. For missing out on finding this Benjamin is a pain none should bear.
Bill Three:
Students enter and exit school every day right here. But, does anyone have the guts to find me and cheer? While I may not be at the main entrance of the building, my spot has a lot of clout. So, go to the lobby and give me a shout.
Bill Four:
People yell GOOOOOOAL here in the fall. In the spring, one here can watch lacrosse win it all. But, I am not on the field, so don’t search there if you want the big money haul.
Bill Five:
My spot isn’t hard to find if cash-earning is your mood. Simply look for a spot where a lot of people grab their food.
Bill Six:
In the hallway I’m in, you’ll see a lot of writing. But, I’m not going to be found without some fighting. To find me in my spot, one will have to look long and hard. For I am in a classroom with a teacher that is diehard.
Bill Seven:
My room’s first number is one, and its last number is a three. Good luck checking the science hallway when trying to find me.
Bill Eight:
The laws of our country, studies of lands far away and everything in between are taught in my spot. But, inside the main building is somewhere that I am not.
Bill Nine:
My spot has a lot of seats, and one must check them all in order to find my location. But, for those that are lucky, they’ll have enough money to last quite a long duration.
Bill 10:
One must go deep into the home of this challenge’s creator to find me. Through the old papers, around the computers, students must check high and low if they want the joy of money.
In order to prevent counterfeit bills from being spread, students who find a winning $100 bill should report to the journalism room immediately. There, the bill will be examined to confirm its validity and students will be given their prize.