A while ago, a white feathery owl dropped off a letter for Principal Taylor that read:
Dear Principal Taylor,
It has come to our attention through the magic mirrors that now is the time for change. After a long history of arguments, it’s time for wizards and muggles to live in unity. Time is ticking and after all, so what good does keeping secrets from one another do? We no longer want to keep the use of magic to ourselves but share it with you all. We know WCHS is the most prestigious school, having earned the AP Platinum Access award, so we believe it’s the best place for us to start piloting some of our magic classes. I look forward to speaking with you more in person, Principal Taylor, but for now, remember that yer a wizard!
Hogwarts Headmaster
Albus Dumbledore
WCHS has since been in close contact with the Hogwarts staff and is now offering a variety of wizarding classes. One of the most popular new classes is Defense Against the Dark Arts (DADA). In this class, students learn how to defend themselves against dark magic. But ever since the nifflers trashed the cafeteria, the magical creatures unit has been canceled.
“DADA was definitely one of my favorite classes while I was at Hogwarts,” Harry Potter said. “But I’m glad WCHS seems to have more empathetic teachers than Professor Umbridge.”
For those afraid of dark magic and anxious about their futures, the new Divination elective may be a safer choice. All students need to do is grind a few tea leaves and boom: they can see the future. Despite the benefits of telling the future and understanding the past, Divination is a challenging class. Those who don’t have a natural gift for it will quickly fail, but students who feel confident in their inner eye shouldn’t take this opportunity for granted.
“I have to admit that when I saw how muggles are using Divination, I was a little disappointed,” Albus Dumbledore said. “I mean, we give them the ability to tell the future and they use it to check test answers?”
WCHS is known for performing exceptionally well on the AP Chemistry test, so to step it up a level, students can apply their AP Chemistry knowledge to one of Hogwarts’ hardest classes: Potions. In Potions, students will use their prior AP Chemistry knowledge on the nature of reactions and experience with proper lab materials and techniques to learn how to brew essential potions such as Liquid Luck, Amortentia (love potion) and Polyjuice (transformation potion).
“I appreciate the blood, sweat and tears they place into making their potions, metaphorically and literally,” Hogwarts Professor Snape said. “However, I still cannot wrap my head around their ignorance at times. Why is it that they always cut the solute when the textbook specifically says to crush it?”
Potions isn’t the only class students can apply their chemistry knowledge. Transfiguration involves changing the molecular structure of something or someone to change its appearance, which is based on chemistry. Although this class has many practical applications such as confusing Death Eaters, students have begun using it in other ways. School administrators have reported seeing an abnormal amount of bathroom passes in the hallways. But for those intimidated by Transfiguration, Charms, a class that teaches more creative spells, may be the better choice.
“Charms is by far the most useful class as every wizard and witch must know how to pull off good pranks,” Hermione Granger said. “However, I understand that some spells are difficult to pronounce at first, but how many times must I tell them that it’s LeviOsa, NOT LeviosA!”
Despite a few mishaps that have occurred with this new curriculum (a basilisk has been reported in the pipes), attendance rates have skyrocketed. More students than ever look forward to attending classes, and muggles and wizards have begun to overcome their differences and form a more unified society.