It is no secret that WCHS is characterized by its competitive academic culture, with many students aiming to take as many high-level courses as possible. While summer courses are an option, a limited number of classes is offered. Additionally, few people are willing to sacrifice the bulk of their summer break. The WCHS administration recognizes this dilemma and has come to a solution. The 55 minute lunch period will be shortened to 10 minutes, and a class period will be added to the day.
“The idea for this policy was introduced at a meeting we had at the beginning of the year,” WCHS administrator Dean Wallace said. “The vote was unanimous; there’s no reason we need to waste so much time on non-instructional activity.”
This schedule change comes as a relief to many. The near hour allotted for lunch is an extraordinary waste of time in the eyes of countless WCHS students. It is a sacrifice of time that could be used to learn. Why would students spend time eating when they could add to their already busy schedules?
“The new schedule is a great idea and I can’t wait for it to start,” WCHS sophomore Marta Frunch said. “I don’t have to take an hour-long break between classes anymore, and I can squeeze an extra course in. I can’t believe it took this long for someone to think of it.”
When the new schedule was announced, some students were concerned. Many believe that student clubs are integral to WCHS culture. For participating students, lunch is not only a time to eat. It provides an opportunity for these clubs to hold meetings and activities.
“As the leader of the Lunch Enthusiast Club, I don’t think that we should only have 15 minutes for lunch,” WCHS junior Pete Sandwich said. “Our clubs are important, and we should have enough time to have real meetings. They provide an outlet for students to express creativity and bond over common interest. That shouldn’t be taken away”
However, proponents of the new schedule do not see this as a concern. After all, school should be about learning, not socializing. Clubs are meant to be an extracurricular, an additional activity beyond the classroom. If students want to participate, they can do it on their own time. Why would clubs meet in the middle of the school day?
“I don’t think the club thing is a problem because they aren’t as important as classes” Frunch said. “Either meet after school or don’t have meetings. This is a learning environment. I think it’s fine to do clubs on your own time, but the school shouldn’t have to base everyone’s schedules around them.”
The shortened lunch schedule is expected to be implemented at the beginning of the 2024-25 school year. Students will be expected to take eight classes each day, and credit requirements will be changed to reflect this. If they are unable to finish eating during the allotted 10 minutes, they will be able to eat during the first half of their sixth period class. This will minimize the time wasted on non-academic activities, and allow students to get the most out of each school day.
“The new schedule is going to revolutionize the way this school operates,” Wallace said. “I can’t wait to see students making the most out of it.”