Alumna Kelly Wu (‘10) is working with Columbia University’s Engineers Without Borders (EWB) program to implement mechanical engineering projects in Ghana in an effort to improve
sanitation and access to water resources.
After entering Columbia University as an engineering student, Wu decided to explore the different engineering fields and majors available when she discovered Columbia’s EWB program.
“I found it really appealing that even as a freshman I could have a hands-on experience in engineering and actually work to build a water distribution system or source-separated latrine in Ghana,” Wu said.
According to the EWB website, the organization helps create a more stable and prosperous world by addressing people’s basic human needs by providing necessities such as clean water, power, sanitation and education. The organization also helps students understandengineering concepts and provides them with hands-on experience.
As part of the Ghana project, Wu and other engineers are designing a water distribution system to provide easily accessible clean water to villages.
“Our team is divided up into groups to research more on the mechanical workings of the pumps, maintaining water quality and piping design,” Wu said. “Our team just completed the preliminary design report, and we’re hoping to start building this summer.”
Members of the Ghana project will start building in a village called Obodan
where there are only two working boreholes. In order to access the water, the Obodan villagers must travel to one of the shared boreholes and wait in line to pump the water.
According to Wu, the EWB helped her realize the importance of engineering
and its potential to help the world through many different applications.
“It was a great feeling of satisfaction to know that I could apply what I was learning
in the classroom to ongoing, real-world projects and make a positive impact on those across the world,” Wu said.
Alumna engineer brings experience to Ghana
By Luke Frentsos
Photography Editor
March 21, 2011
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