WCHS’s Interact Club gives back to the community
Photo courtesy of Angelica Hu.
WCHS students in the Interact Club program came together in May of 2021 during COVID-19 to decorate a mural for Suburban Hospital for the pediatric center.
March 8, 2022
WCHS is all about giving back to the community. Whether it is through volunteering outside of school or joining clubs to benefit those in need, helping others is important. MCPS implemented a Student Service Learning (SSL) program, where students have to complete a specific amount of community service hours in order to graduate. One way to give back to the community is by joining WCHS’ Interact Club, led by sophomores Angelica Hu and Kayla Mollan, who are president and vice president, respectively.
The Interact Club has done many activities to give back to those in need, like holding a coat drive for those who could not afford coats during this past winter. It is important for members to do something that is relevant to their community and deals with issues that affect people the most.
“It’s great that students can give away coats easily and efficiently to people who are in need,” Mollan said. “The coat drive was perfect for the winter time since there’s people around the community who can’t afford coats that would be very grateful.”
The coat drive was a success for the club and the coats were given to the Immigrant Refugee Outreach Center (IROC), which was very grateful to receive so many coats. This program gives immigrants a helping hand. The Interact Club chose to do the coat drive through the winter, since these refugees do not have the resources to keep themselves warm through the cold season. While students are always thinking of giving back to the community in any way possible, it can be difficult for them to participate in such things. With this in mind, the Interact Club planned other projects encouraging students to participate and to give back to their community.
“Last year when we weren’t allowed to do many big events because of COVID we painted a mural to be put into a hospital,” Hu said. “A lot of the members came and helped out and it was a really fun time.”
While these projects can be fun to participate in, it can be difficult for the officers to plan them. The projects done by the Interact Club are normally associated with large companies known for their giving back to the community.
“Since I’m the President I have to organize things by myself,” Hu said. “As the President I have to organize meetings and brainstorm ideas for our club to be involved in the community.”
This club is special not only because of its giving back to the community, but also because of its legacy. The club was created in 2018 by Jessica Hu and Cameron Mollan, the older siblings of Hu and Mollan.
“Our siblings were very passionate about the club and we thought it would be very meaningful to our siblings to continue it,” Mollan said.
The involvement of the club has been difficult due to COVID-19, but the officers have put in a lot of time and effort to try and do as much as they can. With certain restrictions on what they can and cannot do, Hu and Mollaan have figured out projects that can be safe, helpful to the community and fun at the same time.
“I expected to be more involved,” Mollan said. “But I think because of COVID it’s harder for us to do different things but we’re trying to do more and to be more involved in the future.”
To ensure a great future for the club, Hu and Mollan work hard to continue carrying out great projects and creating more volunteer work opportunities with different members. Hu and Mollan work hard to make the club and its projects fun and creative while also benefiting the community.
“If you join the interactive club you’ll be in for a good time while learning about yourself and helping others,” Hu said. “And who doesn’t want to help others?”