Mulch for a purpose: support WCHS athletics by refreshing your lawn

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The WCHS Athletics website contains all details needed regarding mulch orders and donations for WCHS’s annual mulch Sale.
March 2, 2023
Fields, courts, goals, uniforms, coaches and athletic trainers are just a few of the expenses that the WCHS Athletic Department has to cover. Many student-athletes have no idea how much money, time and effort goes into ensuring a safe and successful season.
That is why this year, to help raise funds, WCHS Athletics has launched its first annual mulch sale. WCHS athletic director, Jesse Smith, is taking the lead on this fundraiser, which will be the largest athletics fundraiser since he started working at WCHS. Smith saw a need in the community and the need for athletic department funds and combined them into one cohesive fundraiser.
“Besides adding funding to the athletics department, I wanted to provide a service to our community that all of the schools around us have been providing for [several] years,” Smith said. “At the moment, the hope is to put the money towards the needs of the teams. This is a fundraiser being done to benefit the entire program.”
WCHS Athletics is selling three cubic feet bags of brown shredded hardwood mulch. In addition to selling the mulch, WCHS is offering free delivery for orders of over ten bags and spreading services for those who would prefer to have their mulch professionally spread. Supporters can also donate mulch to be placed at WCHS or one of its cluster schools.
“When families support these efforts, they are not only getting an item or service for themselves, they are also helping their high school,” Smith said. “100% of these profits will go back into the athletic program to benefit the athletes, and you will be able to see and experience those benefits.”
Freshman student athlete Laila Foose knows first-hand how many resources go into making a season flow smoothly. Between being on the varsity soccer and basketball teams, Foose has been impressed with the athletic department’s contributions, but also acknowledges that some facilities could use improvement.
“Some resources that go into having a successful season include proper equipment, accessible practice areas and having access to a trainer if someone ever has an injury,” Foose said. “I would like some of the sale profits to go to the soccer field and making the aux gym safe and not slippery.”
WCHS has seen immense success in sports this year, with almost every team finishing their seasons with winning records. This success is not possible without the help of the WCHS community. Since many WCHS families have yards that require fresh mulch in the spring, this fundraiser is perfectly timed and convenient for families. The sale continues until March 10, so it is not too late to order.
“I think students and families should support this fundraiser to help benefit our school,” Foose said. “With [the] money raised from the mulch sale, we can work to improve all of the sports teams. Without proper resources, it can be difficult to succeed as a school.”