Gun violence and bomb threats led to evacuations at Northwest High School and Northwood High School at around 9:50 a.m. on April 29.
“Once police received the threats both schools were evacuated as a precaution,” MCPS spokesperson Gboyinde Onijala said.
According to the Washington Post, police swept the buildings and did not find anything that would be dangerous to students and staff.
“We were told it was a code red and it was not a drill,” Northwest High School senior Kacie Haines said. “They came on [the public address system] and said we were going to evacuate so they pulled the fire alarm.”
According to Northwest senior Tanysha Tennassee, students were evacuated outside for an hour in the rain and then eventually escorted back into the gym. Students at Northwest High School were told that they were going to be bused to Seneca Valley High School but this never occurred.
“We waited for our administration to give us answers,” Haines said. “All they told us is that there was a threat on the school.”
According to Haines, students with a half day schedule and students whose parents picked them up from school could leave the school grounds. Students who did not leave were required to stay at the school for lunch and the rest of the day.
Northwood and Northwest staff declined to comment on the story.