The Daily Dose abruptly announced CHS’ new paper towel initiative Feb. 28, telling students to limit the amount of paper towels they use per day. In the announcement, students were simply informed of their punishment and were not told about what actions led to this initiative.
Although CHS has reasonable motives behind limiting paper towels, the actions against students are too drastic.
The Daily Dose also announced that CHS will be locking certain bathrooms. Yet, it failed to acknowledge that locking the bathrooms and limiting the paper towels are two different issues.
According to Building Services Manager Angel Delgado, CHS is only locking one or two bathrooms to decrease the amount of grafitti.
However, the issue of limiting paper towels is a direct result of students abusing towels and using them to clog bathrooms and sinks. While the majority of CHS students are respectful, this reckless minority is to blame for restricting students’ right to properly wash their hands.
According to Delgado, CHS has run out of paper towels. As the school has no way of monitoring who these students are, CHS was forced to punish the student body as a whole.
Contrary to the administration’s conclusion, immediately punishing all CHS students is not necessary. The administration could have advertised the issue beforehand, making the student body more willing to preserve paper towels.
The announcement on the Daily Dose instantly created a negative attitude toward the situation, and misinformed students about the problems within CHS.
According to Principal Joan Benz, she wants students to be able to see this issue in a positive way and be able to limit themselves and their peers’ use of paper towels.
Rather than encouraging CHS students to conserve paper towels, CHS has forced the restriction of paper towels upon students.
This policy leads students to question why CHS doesn’t buy automatic hand dryers.
According to Delgado, CHS is looking into hand dryers, but they’re expensive, and CHS is worried about students damaging them, as students have already knifed and dented a paper towel dispenser.
Students are also worried about the deterioration of hand-washing habits.
According to Benz, the majority of germs a student picks up are from touching the bathroom door handle.
While the door handle does carry the majority of bacteria, drying your hands with paper towels is another important aspect in practicing good hygiene.
A 2012 University of Bradford study found that people must dry their hands thoroughly after washing in order to prevent the transfer of germs.
CHS’s paper towel initiative is justified. Students who partake in childish activities like clogging the sinks and toilets or stabbing dispensers are damaging school property. What else could students expect CHS to do?
The key flaw is CHS’s failure to inform students of the real situation earlier. The issue of locking bathrooms and limiting paper towels are separate issues and are misguiding students. The administration should take it upon themselves to clarify the issue and allow students to demonstrate their responsibility when using paper towels.