Senioritis is a Real Illness, CHS

An absence report as a second semester senior may be more than a page long.
May 6, 2016
Senioritis: the mythical allusion that all seniors have an excuse to not do their work, not show up to class, and frankly, to just not try anymore.
However, it’s not a myth. Senioritis is very real.
Senioritis is as valid of an excuse as being sick or having a doctor’s appointment and it is a symbolic illness that must be considered at CHS.
As a senior who suffers from Senioritis, I know the first-hand effects of the ‘illness’ and the overall result on the body, and on the gradebook.
While grades haven’t fallen significantly for me, they still have dropped since my first three years of high school. In all honesty, however, it doesn’t bother me.
After a long and hard day at school, attending maybe three classes, I go home and instead of really doing homework, I find myself playing the game NBA 2k and usually doing absolutely nothing.
I guess that’s what happens when you’ve known where you are going to college since the middle of December.
Unlike many of my senior classmates who committed to colleges in the last month or so, I have known for a long time where I’m going, making me have less motivation to come to school.
First semester was rough, as I had basketball season, a heavy work-load and early onset Senioritis.
After basketball season, however, is when real Senioritis showed its ugly face.
When sports season is over, and the requirement to be at school every day is no longer in place, that is when the real drop in grades, motivation, and especially attendance, occurs.
What I disagree with however, is the negative notion that comes with the word “Senioritis.” Underclassmen and teachers view Senioritis as laziness, yet as students we worked our hardest the first three years of high school to put ourselves in a position to go to our dream schools and relax senior year.
Every senior at Churchill goes through the severe symptoms of Senioritis, and we are simply the latest class to experience the effects.