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Making students' schedules is one of WCHS counslers' main jobs and takes countless hours out of their schedule.
“What is your schedule? Who is your math teacher? What period do you have English class?” Minutes after schedules come out, students bombard each other with countless questions, compare schedules and comment on their assigned teachers. Some students grin when looking through their classes for the new semester, while others grab their computers and start drafting an email to their counselor.
Changing teachers or altering schedules is a hot commodity at WCHS, especially during the switch between first to second semester. Sometimes the students’ attempts end successfully, other times they are stuck with a schedule that they will complain about for the duration of the semester. Although schedule swaps can be desirable, they are unethical unless there is a specific exception, like the student having an accommodation.
Some students have a teacher they loved the first semester and attempt to switch into their class for the second semester. Others try to switch to a different teacher if either they didn’t enjoy them in the first semester or they have heard through the grapevine that others don’t.
Every student is entitled to their preferences, but that does not mean they should get their first choice of a teacher at the snap of a finger. Just because they had a great first semester teacher doesn’t mean that they “need” to stay with them for the whole year. There are many teachers at WCHS and getting to learn someone new and experience a new teaching style can be beneficial for students. It can help them digest content in different ways and gain new skills as both a student and person.
In life, not everyone will get along and connect with each other. It is important for teens to understand that even if they aren’t a fan of their teacher, they have to stick it out unless there is some extreme reason. Wanting to switch out of a teacher due to rumors from other students is even more outrageous. Everyone has a different learning style, so a teacher that one student strongly dislikes may be a perfect fit for a different student.
When students ask to switch their schedule, they disregard all the time and effort that counselors put into making schedules for the thousands of students at WCHS. With such a variety of classes, it is extremely difficult to fill classes with an even number of students and make sure that each student gets all of their requested courses. Switching schedules is a hassle that can throw off the balance and make class numbers uneven.
Other students can also be negatively affected by schedule swaps. When one student switches to a different class, another student is often “kicked” off of the class roster so that it does not exceed the maximum number of students. A student who is excited to meet a new teacher may not have that opportunity due to someone else’s preferences.
According to Forbes.com, Mark Seery and his colleagues studied a group of more than 2,300 people. Their study revealed that people who experienced some adversity reported better mental health, well-being and higher life satisfaction. Life is full of challenges and not everything will be in the perfect circumstances. By having to work harder in a class or connect with a teacher who isn’t their favorite, students will gain problem-solving skills.
Although it is unnecessary for many, some students truly do need schedule swaps, for example, if they have an accommodation or learning disability. In these cases, the consistency of having the same teacher again can be very beneficial to their academic success. When students make up excuses to switch teachers, they are invalidating the needs of students who actually need a schedule switch for serious reasons.
Throughout four years and eight semesters at WCHS, students are most likely not always going to be pleased with their schedule. This is completely normal and understandable, but the idea that they can alter it merely due to their displeasure promotes an unfair and immoral cycle.