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The School Newspaper of Winston Churchill High School.

The Observer

The School Newspaper of Winston Churchill High School.

The Observer

The School Newspaper of Winston Churchill High School.

The Observer

Liam Klein

Liam Klein, Opinions Editor

Liam Klein is a senior and the Opinions Editor for The Observer. This is his fourth year taking journalism and he is the longest tenured member of The Observer. Outside of The Observer, Liam enjoys playing baseball, basketball, spending time with his friends and listening to music. His favorite artists include J Cole, Mac Miller and The Weekend. 

All content by Liam Klein
Mr. Portnoy is excited to begin his preparation to educate students on sports betting.

Sports betting: a gamble?

By Liam Klein, Can’t Hear You, Airpods Are In
May 15, 2023
There are many popular posthumous albums such as "Circles", "Legends Never Die" and more. But are these albums' popularity worth the effect it can have on an artist's legacy.

Poor or progressive: Posthumous albums

By Liam Klein, Opinions Editor
March 27, 2023
Pumpkin spice products flooded the shelves of stores this fall, once again cementing the trends place in the Fall season.

Taste test: Flavors of fall

By Liam Klein, Opinions Editor
December 2, 2021
Apps like Spotify, Apple Podcast, and Google Podcast have made it easier then ever to find and enjoy podcasts.

Podcasts gain popularity and WCHS students cash in

By Liam Klein, Assistant Online Editor
April 26, 2021
The number of travelers that went through TSA checkpoints went from well over 2 million per week pre-pandemic, to just over 500,000 per week. This was due to many canceling their travel plans because of COVID-19 concerns.

Top ten events to look forward to in 2021

By Liam Klein, Assistant Online Editor
February 17, 2021
MCPS's new health metric matrix helps sent baselines for the possibility of the return to in-person learning

MCPS teachers torn on returning to in person learning

By Liam Klein, Assistant Online Editor
December 10, 2020
Some key ingredients of what is now known as pumpkin spice were found on ancient Indonesian pottery dating back as far as 3,500 years.

Pumpkin spice products reemerge in annual season craze

By Liam Klein, Assistant Online Editor
November 11, 2020
These new teachers joined the WCHS staff department this fall.

New teachers arrive at WCHS for 2020-2021 school year

By Liam Klein, Assistant Online Editor
October 28, 2020
"Birds of Prey" opened in theaters on February 7th. Starring Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn, the film explores female superheroes.

“Birds of Prey” flocks to the top

By Liam Klein, Staff Writer
March 12, 2020
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Liam Klein