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The School Newspaper of Winston Churchill High School.

The Observer

The School Newspaper of Winston Churchill High School.

The Observer

The School Newspaper of Winston Churchill High School.

The Observer

WCHS forensics teacher and his dog, Keen, have been volunteering at Western Maryland K9 Search and Rescue for about five years.

Mr. Rogers leaves paw-sitive impact as K-9 volounteer

By Isar Uslu, Assistant News Editor November 13, 2023

When most WCHS students think of volunteering, they might picture tedious and mundane tasks students do to fulfill their graduation requirements. However, for WCHS forensics teacher Gary Rogers, volunteering...

The eighth period yearbook class is seen brainstorming, compiling, and designing the pages that make up the fall spreads of the WCHS "Finest Hours" yearbook on Oct. 25, 2023.

Behind the lens: crafting high school memories with WCHS’ yearbook staff

By George Chang and Julia Levi October 26, 2023

It is the last week of school: senioritis cases are high, motivation for homework and assignments is low, and the WCHS yearbook is all around. Turning through the crisp pages of the new yearbook to find...

Churchull K9 is seen brought together for their first day before senior year of high school on August 27, 2023. They're already seen being spirited before school even starts with the art on their cars.

The 2024 K9 brings school spirit to a new level

By Kendyl Groisser, Online Managing Editor October 5, 2023

Among many things, WCHS students pride themselves on having strong school spirit. With each Friday of the fall being a new spirit day for the Friday night football games, there has to be someone who leads...

The newest addition to Cabin John Village, Capo Deli. They offer a variety of sandwiches and desserts to compliment customers meals.

Grand opening of Capo Deli’s deli-ghtful delicacy delights taste buds!

By Naomi Wright, Advertising & Subscriptions Manager May 31, 2023

When it looks as though Cabin John is crowded enough with the newest additions of stores and renovations of well-established businesses, black letters are spelling out the words “Now Open!” over the...

With more research continuously coming out about the negative consequences of dairy consumption, traditional cow's milk is increasingly being eschewed in favor of plant-based alternatives.

Choosing milk that’s best for consumers is udder chaos

By Ha-Yeon Jeon, Editor-in-Chief May 30, 2023

Do you know what is udder-ly bad for you? Regular cow’s milk. Moreover, milk and other dairy products have long been flagged for their high levels of saturated fat and their outsized role as a causative...

Mr. Haroot "H" Hakopian is seen celebrating at WCHS for his retirement on April 16, 2023. Hakopian has retired after teaching at WCHS for twenty-one years.

Introducing this year’s cast of who’s leaving WCHS?

By Kendyl Groisser, Assistant Online Editor May 15, 2023

As the school year comes to a close, some of WCHS’ beloved teachers prepare to say farewell to their students and colleagues with a heart full of joy and gratitude. These teachers are able to look back...

A part of Tristan Cai's exhibit, this photograph depicts a 'houseboy' with a European boy sitting on his lap. The usage of halftone color separation and intricately arranged solid colored dots allow for new details and ghosting effects to emerge at different viewing distances.

Travel to Asia with these AAPI month area attractions

By George Chang, Arts Editor May 15, 2023

In 1841, 14-year-old Nakahama Manjirō was forced to become the man of his family after his father passed away. To support his family, he found work as a fisherman and joined a crew of brothers to catch...

A student logs in to their MyMCPS account, which is the portal through which they access all of their Dual Enrollment courses at Montgomery College.

True or false? Dual Enrollment misconceptions

By Ha-Yeon Jeon, Features Editor May 15, 2023

Dual Enrollment, Dual Education, Dual Excitement. From Organic Chemistry to Philosophy in Literature, or Modern Military History to Advanced Object-Oriented C++ Programming, the 518 courses available at...

A tradition for many rising seniors is decorating cars before the start of senior year. Jordan Lapidus, a member of the class of 2023, poses with the car her friends decorated. Making formative memories like this are a fun way to commemorate the last year of high school.

23ENIORS pass on the torch with advice for class of 2024

By Jordan Pashkoff, Editor-in-Chief May 15, 2023

May 1. Social media floods with celebratory posts and the Beyond the Bulldog Instagram account gets its newest round of posts as National Decision Day marks the end of the college process for many, if...

REWILD, Cabin John Village's newly opened indoor plant boutique, displays a variety of plants from orchids to umbrella trees.

Go “wild” for greenery at local plant shop

By Julia Levi, Assistant Observations Manager May 15, 2023

Rows of exotic plants, potted succulents and blooming orchids displayed galore. Plants hang from ceilings, sit on tiered shelves and the ground, appealing to all the senses. Tucked into Cabin John Village’s...

Former WCHS student Reva Mannan poses for the camera during her prom of May 2022. She picked an ombre style dress to be trendy but also wear something she loves.

8 popular prom trends of 2023

By Diya Kachoria, Photo Manager May 1, 2023

With Senior Prom coming up on May 20, many WCHS students are scrambling to find a last minute prom dress and finalize everything needed to make the memorable night perfect. Some students started preparing...

WCHS sophomore Eva Lee, a visual learner is reviewing a topic for her AP class by looking at a picture that provides a demonstration on April 16, 2023.

Tips for success: how to prepare for AP exams

By Naomi Wright, Promotions Manager May 1, 2023

Papers with black bold letters titled “practice sheet” or “study guide” blanket the table where a student attempts to study. The bright light coming from their school computer spotlights their...

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