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The School Newspaper of Winston Churchill High School.

The Observer

The School Newspaper of Winston Churchill High School.

The Observer

The School Newspaper of Winston Churchill High School.

The Observer

A pita chip gets dipped into spinach and artichoke dip that was offered as one of many food options at a Super Bowl party on Feb. 12.

Touchdown! Super Bowl dips are a fan-favorite

By Rachel Mattison, Online Editor-in-Chief March 23, 2023

113 million people uniting over one thing feels like a rare occurrence in this divisive world. However, on Sunday, Feb. 12, that is the estimated number of viewers who tuned in to watch the Kansas City...

Taylor Swift fans were outraged by the error message received on Nov. 15, 2022 when purchasing their tickets for her "Eras Tours." Fans were excited to buy their tickets, but the Ticketmaster website shut down and restarted the customers in the queue.

Taylor fans can’t “shake off” Ticketmaster disaster

By Kendyl Groisser, Assistant Online Editor March 23, 2023

Many concert-loving fans have been recently outraged by one company: Ticketmaster. With constant freezes due to an overload of users, expensive prices and overall poor service, Ticketmaster is being smacked...

Mr. Taylor sits at his desk completing work on Feb. 14. After being away from WCHS for over a month, Mr. Taylor has returned to his normal routine.

From to middle school halls, Taylor does it all

By Caroline Harless, Observations Editor March 23, 2023

As students pass through school, going from class to class every day, it is not uncommon to see a familiar face in the hallways: Principal John Taylor. From catching up with students to meeting with staff,...

Starting Nov 2, Starbucks gets ready for the holidays with their festive holiday special drinks. Any hot drink that a customer orders, gets gifted one of their holiday-designed drinks.

‘Sip the Season

By Kendyl Groisser, Assistant Online Editor March 21, 2023

The white snow falling onto the ground, flashing lights on neighboring houses, Mariah Carey on the radio: all signs that the holiday season is coming. However, there is one other sign that people all over...

Kaki Hubeny and Julia Aksentijevich pose in front of an inflatable leprechaun for their Saint Patrick’s Day celebration last year.

The story behind the green: what is Saint Patrick’s day?

By Melissa Redlich, Features Editor March 15, 2023

The luckiest day of the year. The Chicago River is a vibrant shade of green. The streets are filled with parades. And, leprechauns are ready to pinch. It is Saint Patrick’s Day! However, besides the...

Students at the WCHS library study and get work done before school starts, in groups or by themselves.

Here are the six best AP exam study tips

By Rayyan Abunaof, Staff Writer March 6, 2023

March is just around the corner, and students know that when March is near, they need to start preparing for upcoming AP exams and important tests. For a lot of students at WCHS, reviewing all the materials...

A Shein bag with a clothing piece from the online store was bought and shipped to a WCHS student. Employees at Shein work 18 hour shifts everyday in order to make some of their most popular products that are shipped to customers across the world.

Hidden conditions of Shein workers cause shopping deterrence of WCHS students

By Diya Kachoria, Photo Manager October 28, 2022

Students at WCHS may know Shein as an online store with cheap clothing, good variety, and fast delivery. However, they may not realize that employees at Shein have been put under strenuous efforts in order...

Projectors that were used many years ago serve no purpose in this day and age as all they do is sit and collect dust.

Tech updates needed within this technological age

By Ohio Meshanko, Promotions Manager November 6, 2019

In recent years, many MCPS classrooms have been completely overhauled to accommodate a modern learning and teaching experience. The widespread adoption of Promethean boards and chromebooks, specifically,...

On Oct. 11, girls across the country celebrate “International Day of the Girl.”

International Day of the Girl allows people to honor those who have impacted the world

By Sacha Feldberg, Arts Editor November 6, 2019

Girls run the world. It is a truth that we have been singing amongst ourselves ever since the iconic artist Beyoncé released “Run the World (Girls)” in 2011. Even though it seems like a fact now,...

The new 1 Second Everyday (1SE) app will allow people to turn second-long video snippets into cohesive memories that they can have forever.

New photo album app creates memory videos

By Nora Holland, Opinions Editor April 8, 2019

A long, long time ago in a land far, far away, cell phones did not exist and people used photo albums to document their lives. Today, we prefer a 365 second video instead. 1 Second Everyday (1SE) is...

Bindeman Center presents bullying documentary

Bindeman Center presents bullying documentary

By Julia Heimlich, Features Editor November 20, 2014

Behind their caked-on makeup and pearly whites, girls can be vicious creatures. Because of their ability to cover up whatever drama goes on behind the scenes, situations in which a girl is both the bully...

CHS Students Think Big

CHS Students Think Big

By Katie Clem, Production Manager March 27, 2014

From the cycling club to the chess club, CHS has a variety of activities students can join that offer fun and cultural experiences, but there are few clubs that teach skills that can be used in the future. Juniors...

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