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The School Newspaper of Winston Churchill High School.

The Observer

The School Newspaper of Winston Churchill High School.

The Observer

The School Newspaper of Winston Churchill High School.

The Observer

Mr.Sanz has implemented the Frantic Friday program to help his orchestra students de-stress. On Fridays, students have the chance to study for classes, catch up on homework or even take a nap.

Relax into the weekend thanks to Frantic Fridays

By Aliki Dimitoglou, Advertising & Subscriptions Manager January 30, 2020

School and the workload can be overbearing to students and with the added weight of sports and other extracurriculars, it can be easy for students to feel like they are drowning in a swirling sea of tests,...

WCHS President Jay Wood preparing to speak for his SMOB announcement video in the halls of WCHS.

This year, the SMOB election comes to WCHS

By Andrew Chan, Sports Editor January 30, 2020

The SMOB is the Student Member on the Board of Education in Montgomery County, and he or she has a vote on many crucial issues in the county. The last time Montgomery County has had a SMOB from WCHS was...

Tardiness task force called to combat attendance issues

By Jordyn Green, Online Editor-in-Chief January 30, 2020

The morning bell rings for WCHS AT 7:45 AM. Instruction begins, and students are expected to be in class. However, this is exactly the contrary. Students arrive 10, 20 even 30 minutes late, flocking the...

Catherine Trouteaud, the teacher of the month for the January publication.

TOTM: Catherine Trouteaud

By Nur Yavuz, Assistant Observations Editor January 30, 2020

Optimistic, kind, caring and so much more. Honors and AP Physics 1 and JV girls softball coach Catherine Trouteaud has brought light and smiles to the faces at WCHS through her love of teaching. Trouteaud...

Junior Jet Raaj wears a sweatshirt and shorts during the freezing months of Decmeber in order to not overheat during the school day.

Winter heat wave at WCHS

By Ally Salzberg, Assistant Online Editor January 3, 2020

The ever changing weather has taken everyone by surprise, including the air conditioning units throughout the school. On the coldest of days, all students want in the morning is to be warmed up as they...

Juniors Brian Hung and Grace Merola rock the pink-out sweatshirts during world history class. The pink-out sweatshirts were worn by many 
WCHS students.

Pink-out unites WCHS community together

By Sacha Feldberg, Arts Editor November 20, 2019

Royal blue. Kelly green. WCHS students proudly rock our colors—and it turns out that we can definitely rock pink, too. WCHS’s school-wide Pink-Out Day was last Friday, Oct. 25. The amount of support...

Senior Natalie Hwang performs "The Man That I Love"

Annual Jazz Coffeehouse

By Eugenia Cardinale, Observations Editor December 22, 2015

The CHS Jazz Ensemble held its annual winter coffeehouse Dec. 11. The band room was transformed, with lights strung all over the room and winter related decorations such as snowflakes hung from the...

Photo by Emily Wang

Art Teacher Wins Award

By Emily Wang, Online Arts Editor December 8, 2015

Ceramics and Art Department Resource Teacher Brendan Roddy was selected as Montgomery County Public School’s Secondary Art Teacher of the Year. MCPS Fine Arts Curriculum Specialist, Linda Adams, nominated...

Student Publishes Book

Student Publishes Book

By Eugenia Cardinale, Observations Editor November 24, 2015

Sophomore Joddie Zeng recently published her novel The Popularity Project, which she began writing in December 2013. The Popularity Project is a contemporary Young Adult romance novel following 17-year-old...

Signature Arts Academy Changes

Signature Arts Academy Changes

By Lauren Roseman, Production Editor October 28, 2015

This year, the Creative and Performing Arts Signature Program is undergoing changes to help improve the program by making it easier to keep track of program requirements. The changes include the creation...

Key Club Fundraiser

Key Club Fundraiser

By Sarah O'Brien, Production Editor October 28, 2015

Montgomery County Key Club hosted an event Oct. 18 for Project Eliminate, which vaccinates mothers and their newborn babies from neonatal and maternal tetanus in developing countries. They raised $1,200,...

CHS Wins SERT Energy Award

By Fiona Asbury, Editor-In-Chief October 28, 2015

Congratulations to CHS for winning a SERT Third Quarter Energy Performance Award for its consumption last year. SERT is an MCPS program, which stands for School Energy and Recycling Team and promotes efficient...

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