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The School Newspaper of Winston Churchill High School.

The Observer

The School Newspaper of Winston Churchill High School.

The Observer

The School Newspaper of Winston Churchill High School.

The Observer

MCPS, give more of a break, not less

April 12, 2018

As the third quarter of the school year finishes up, many students are still relishing their fond memories of their recent Spring Break. It may also be the last time that seniors travel with their friends...

Parkland brings out Gen Z’s activism

Parkland brings out Gen Z’s activism

March 7, 2018

We’ve heard it all before. Regardless of the era, the youth generation always ends up garnering the same stereotypes -- lazy, ignorant and apathetic. Back in the 60’s, the hippies were regarded as...

MCPS, give students, staff a break

MCPS, give students, staff a break

November 21, 2017

Once again, the MCPS school board is altering the school year schedule. For the 2018-19 year, election day and Jewish holidays cut into the schedule. In response, there were five schedule proposals created....

CHS, stop undermining mental illness

October 24, 2017

Mental illnesses: serious, yet stigmatized conditions that impact countless members of the CHS community. But when those conditions are stereotyped or referenced in casual context, it completely undermines...

Activities: Quality Over Quantity

Activities: Quality Over Quantity

By Observer Opinion June 13, 2017

Captain of a varsity sports team, a position on the student government, president of several clubs, skilled artist, member of numerous honor societies, over 200 hours of volunteer work, a multi-AP class...

Pre-College Costs Hinder Students

Pre-College Costs Hinder Students

By Observer Opinion March 29, 2017

College is an expensive investment into a student’s future. At CHS, most of students’ daily lives and choices revolve around earning amazing grades and outstanding test scores so they receive admittance...

Responsibility to Report All News

Responsibility to Report All News

February 21, 2017

As staff members of a hyperlocal student publication, some may wonder if we are sticking our heads where they don’t belong when we tackle national and political issues. There is not a clear consensus...

CHS students should come together after the election.

CHS Must Unite Post Election

December 5, 2016

Dear CHS, The 2016 election was an emotional, tumultuous experience for almost everyone involved. The rhetoric that spilled from both Democrats and Republicans was harsh and insistent for the better part...

We Need Proactive Mental Health Support

We Need Proactive Mental Health Support

March 22, 2016

If you think it’s difficult to read an article about suicidal students, consider what it would be like to be one. In light of recent tragedies, mental health awareness has become more of a hot topic...

We Have a Microphone, Now Speak Up

We Have a Microphone, Now Speak Up

February 25, 2016

If The Little Mermaid taught us anything, it was to value our voices. Oftentimes, students take their voice and ability to represent themselves within the school system for granted. Or they underestimate...

Chin Up, Churchill

Chin Up, Churchill

January 4, 2016

Chin up, Churchill. Recently, there’s been a case of negativity going around, whether it be because of acts of violence or accumulation of academic stress. But even in the face of it, it’s important...

CHS Rises UP as a Strong Community

CHS Rises UP as a Strong Community

December 22, 2015

On Nov. 10, CHS stepped UP. The Westboro Baptist Church (WBC) came to CHS Nov. 10 to protest the CHS Gay-Straight Alliance club and our general acceptance of diversity. Though the general feelings of...

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