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The School Newspaper of Winston Churchill High School.

The Observer

The School Newspaper of Winston Churchill High School.

The Observer

The School Newspaper of Winston Churchill High School.

The Observer

Quarter Exams Only Add More Stress

Quarter Exams Only Add More Stress

September 29, 2015

Those two weeks in January and June that you have reserved for stress, tears, and nights of poring over notes? Go ahead and schedule two more. Every nine weeks, to be exact. MCPS has decided to replace...

Come on CHS--get rid of the Quarter Exams

Come on CHS–get rid of the Quarter Exams

By Jordan Maser, Staff Writer March 25, 2014

So I heard the weather forecast is calling for some snow this week—a statement that has been used so frequently this winter (and spring) that snow and school cancelings at this point are part of MCPS’...

The Quarter Exam Guide

The Quarter Exam Guide

By Dana Harris, Online Features Editor October 30, 2013

Well CHS, it is that time of the year again.  The leaves are turning a vibrant orange, and we are beginning to finalize our Halloween costume.  But what are those dreadful tests that mark then end of...

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Quarter Exams