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The School Newspaper of Winston Churchill High School.

The Observer

The School Newspaper of Winston Churchill High School.

The Observer

The School Newspaper of Winston Churchill High School.

The Observer

Teachers flip classroom

By Ilana Berger, Fact Checker May 31, 2012

In the spring of 2007, Colorado teachers Jonathan Bergmann and Aaron Sams became pioneers not only in education technology, but in the way teachers interact with their students by inventing the flipped...

Different teachers + same class = unfair advantage

By By Stacey Stein, Online Breaking News December 20, 2011

 Every year when students receive their schedule cards, the first thing they do is eagerly scan the teachers they received. News of the "easy" teachers is greeted with shrieks of delight, while others...

Student-teacher chemistry lacks bonding

By Kyle Edwards, Production Editor December 22, 2010

Robin William’s character in the film The Dead Poets Society, Jon Keating, not only teaches his students the beauty of the English language, but he also preaches the importance of “carpe diem,” or...

Do teachers have lives? They do! They certainly do!

By By Lori Koenick Staff Writer October 4, 2010

When last bell rings and students rush out to catch the bus and start their afternoon, teachers calmly wait in their classrooms for the chaos to cease. But what do teachers do once they leave the building? Some...

Teacher favoritism harms class dynamic

Teacher favoritism harms class dynamic

When I was in fifth grade, my math teacher would reward students who participated in class with a piece of candy for a correct answer.  Day after day, my little hand went up and I proudly announced the...

Say Thanks

By By Megan Scanlan Staff Writer May 6, 2010

Congratulations to juniors Danielle Malament and Wendy Zhao who qualified as semifinalists in the USA Biology Olympiad (USABO). The USABO is a competition with three rounds of eliminations. Four students...

County should place priority on teachers

By Maya Montayne Opinions Editor March 2, 2010

In a county known for the academic strength and dedication of its students, a budget plan for the coming year has been created that favors the priorities of MCPS executives and non-student related groups...

Staff members to retire this year

By Bobby Hirsch, Observations Editor May 29, 2009

At the time this article was published, three staff members had announced their retirement. Media specialist Kathy Boivin has worked at CHS for five years and in MCPS for about 18.  She will be moving...

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