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The School Newspaper of Winston Churchill High School.

The Observer

The School Newspaper of Winston Churchill High School.

The Observer

The School Newspaper of Winston Churchill High School.

The Observer

Elyssa Shenker holds a digital meeting of her club, Purposefully Repurposed. Shenker has been forced to adapt to the challenges of virtual school.

WCHS clubs adapt to virtual meetings

By Trevor Gardemal, Social Media Manager November 11, 2020

As of the 2020-2021 school year, there are 157 active clubs at WCHS. Ranging from Kpop Dance Club to Women in Politics, there is truly a fit for every student. In a normal, in-person school year, it is...

WCHS's name has undergone scrutiny after a petition created by Students for Real Heroes created a petition asking for a name change.

WCHS’s name should be changed

By Ela Jalil, News Editor October 21, 2020

Winston Churchill is finally undergoing the scrutiny he deserves and calls to change WCHS’ name have caused both great outrage and happiness in our community. @StudentsForRealHeroes on Instagram led...

People know that being an adult is not all that kids think it is. It comes with many challenges and local organizations like the one pictured above use this idea to make drivers laugh as they pass this sign.

Adulting classes should be offered at WCHS

By Austin Vinner, Photo Manager March 11, 2020

Classes in school on subjects that are useful in real life were once only a wish, but recently, classes on how to be an adult have begun to be offered at some schools. While this class does exist, there's...

Churchill for Climate members smile with representative Jamie Raskin, as they hold posters with reasons as to why they participated in the polar plunge

Churchill for Climate raises awareness for a hot issue

By Allison Jacobs, News Editor March 4, 2020

Recently, climate change and environmental issues have caused a sense of panic. From threats of the world ending in 50 years to never-ending forest fires, climate change and environmental issues are a...

Junior Liz Porter is registering to vote at WCHS during lunch. The Montgomery County Board of Elections registered students three days during lunch.

Early voter registration allows students to prepare for the future

By Jeremy Fredricks, Assistant Opinions Editor February 26, 2020

For three days at lunch, the Montgomery County Board of Education had a table at WCHS to allow students over the age of 16 the opportunity to register to vote.   While you have to be 18 to vote, Maryland...

Therapy dogs were at school Tuesday and Thursday roaming the halls and provided a much needed stress relief for students.

Mental health awareness week comes to WCHS

By Emma Chen, Observations Editor February 6, 2020

The week of November 11th at WCHS was Mental Health Awareness week. November as a whole is Mental Health Awareness month, and this was the was WCHS was implementing self care into the students' schedules. On...

At the meeting, there were seven posters that explained different facts about MCPS districts and the timeline that was going to be followed. This poster explained the different phases as well as showed the other future meetings for audience members.

Redistricting meeting opens eyes to both sides of the debate

By Allison Jacobs, News Editor February 5, 2020

A current prominent issue in Montgomery County is school redistricting and how it will be implemented. Montgomery County has decided that students will be bussed to various schools throughout the county;...

Mr.Sanz has implemented the Frantic Friday program to help his orchestra students de-stress. On Fridays, students have the chance to study for classes, catch up on homework or even take a nap.

Relax into the weekend thanks to Frantic Fridays

By Aliki Dimitoglou, Advertising & Subscriptions Manager January 30, 2020

School and the workload can be overbearing to students and with the added weight of sports and other extracurriculars, it can be easy for students to feel like they are drowning in a swirling sea of tests,...

WCHS President Jay Wood preparing to speak for his SMOB announcement video in the halls of WCHS.

This year, the SMOB election comes to WCHS

By Andrew Chan, Sports Editor January 30, 2020

The SMOB is the Student Member on the Board of Education in Montgomery County, and he or she has a vote on many crucial issues in the county. The last time Montgomery County has had a SMOB from WCHS was...

Tardiness task force called to combat attendance issues

By Jordyn Green, Online Editor-in-Chief January 30, 2020

The morning bell rings for WCHS AT 7:45 AM. Instruction begins, and students are expected to be in class. However, this is exactly the contrary. Students arrive 10, 20 even 30 minutes late, flocking the...

Catherine Trouteaud, the teacher of the month for the January publication.

TOTM: Catherine Trouteaud

By Nur Yavuz, Assistant Observations Editor January 30, 2020

Optimistic, kind, caring and so much more. Honors and AP Physics 1 and JV girls softball coach Catherine Trouteaud has brought light and smiles to the faces at WCHS through her love of teaching. Trouteaud...

Lori Loughlin (right) and daughter Olivia Jade (left) were involved in one of the largest college scandals in 2019.

Should there be more serious consequences for those who bribe their kids way into college?

By Cherri Tung, Arts Editor January 4, 2020

What are the consequences for individuals who are charged with involvement in bribery to get their unqualified children into prestigious  colleges?  Many of these scandals happen with celebrities....

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